
Seyed Ali Khonsary
  1. Department of Neurosurgery, Skull Base Laboratory, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USA

Correspondence Address:
Seyed Ali Khonsary
Department of Neurosurgery, Skull Base Laboratory, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USA


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How to cite this article: Khonsary SA. Guyton and Hall: Textbook of Medical Physiology. Surg Neurol Int 09-Nov-2017;8:275

How to cite this URL: Khonsary SA. Guyton and Hall: Textbook of Medical Physiology. Surg Neurol Int 09-Nov-2017;8:275. Available from:

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To be a great Physician/Scientist, one needs to have a profound knowledge of the human physiology. This great classic textbook of medical physiology is a must to have by any practicing physician and enthusiastic scientist no matter what field of medicine or science one is engaged in.

This classic textbook was first published in 1956 by the late Professor Arthur Guyton and updated regularly with the advancement of the field.

Professor John Hall contributed to the ninth and tenth editions of this textbook, and after the unprecedented death of Dr. Guyton in 2003, Dr. Hall resumed the responsibility of continuing the same trend and updating this great book since 2006.

This new edition is divided into 15 units and each unit has its own divided chapters, altogether consisting of 85 chapters. Unit I is an introduction to physiology consisting of 3 chapters: The cell and general physiology. Unit II addresses membrane physiology, nerve, and muscle, consisting of 5 chapters. Unit VIII has 2 chapters addressing to aviation, space, and deep sea diving physiology. It has a section on hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Units IX, X, and XI concern the physiology of the nervous system consisting of 17 chapters which elegantly review different aspects of the human nervous system.

All topics discussed are relevant to daily practicing physician/scientist. One example is the important role of thyroid hormone on the growth and development of the brain during fetal, neonatal, and infantile periods, which needs to be emphasized and remembered because of its grave consequences resulting in cretinism.

Unfortunately, the current curriculum of medical education in many medical schools does not emphasize on the importance of the knowledge of human physiology and anatomy, which are the foundation of medical education in training the new generation of physicians/scientists.

With the advancement of science, there is no doubt that the other fields such as genetics, molecular biology, nanotechnology, and gene therapy should be incorporated in the curriculum of the medical education but the foundation of the medical field should not be ignored and should be emphasized upon.

I hope physicians/scientists who are enthusiastic in advancing their knowledge and updating with the current literature, will consider this great textbook for their bookshelf as a source of reference.


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    Tim cloonan

    Posted October 8, 2023, 2:57 pm

    Used this in med school mid 60’s
    Green cover any available


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