Category Archives: Randomized Controlled Trials

Impact of ventricular-peritoneal shunt valve design on clinical outcome of pediatric patients with hydrocephalus: Lessons learned from randomized controlled trials

  •  Reid Hoshide, Hal Meltzer, Cecilia Dalle-Ore, David Gonda, Daniel Guillaume, Clark C. Chen 

April 24, 2017, 20:05


  • Randomized Controlled Trials

Article Type:

  • Editorial

Hypothermia for severe traumatic brain injury in adults: Recent lessons from randomized controlled trials

  •  Shahzad Shaefi, Aaron M. Mittel, Jonathan A. Hyam, M. Dustin Boone, Clark C. Chen, Ekkehard M. Kasper 

December 20, 2016, 17:51


  • Randomized Controlled Trials

Article Type:

  • Original Article

The role of surgery for treatment of low back pain: insights from the randomized controlled Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trials

  •  Peter Abraham, Robert C. Rennert, Joel R. Martin, Joseph Ciacci, William Taylor, Daniel Resnick, Ekkehard Kasper, Clark C. Chen 

April 27, 2016, 20:36


  • Randomized Controlled Trials

Article Type:

  • Editorial

Mannitol or hypertonic saline in the setting of traumatic brain injury: What have we learned?

  •  Myles Dustin Boone, Achikam Oren-Grinberg, Timothy Matthew Robinson, Clark C. Chen, Ekkehard M. Kasper 

November 30, 2015, 21:11


  • Randomized Controlled Trials

Article Type:

  • Review Article

Methylprednisolone in the management of spinal cord injuries: Lessons from randomized, controlled trials

  •  Vincent Cheung, Reid Hoshide, Vishal Bansal, Ekkehard Kasper, Clark C. Chen 

August 27, 2015, 16:06


  • Randomized Controlled Trials

Article Type:

  • Review Article

Ethical and methodological considerations on conducting clinical research in poor and low-income countries: Viewpoint of the authors of the BEST TRIP ICP randomized trial in Latin America

  •  Randall M. Chesnut, Nancy Temkin, Sureyya Dikmen, Carlos Rondina, Walter Videtta, Silvia Lujan, Gustavo Petroni, James Pridgeon, Jason Barber, Joan Machamer, Kelley Chaddock, Juanita M. Celix, Marianna Cherner, Terence Hendrix 

July 23, 2015, 17:31


  • Randomized Controlled Trials

Article Type:

  • Letter to the Editor

Comparison of the efficacy of saline, local anesthetics, and steroids in epidural and facet joint injections for the management of spinal pain: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials

  •  Laxmaiah Manchikanti, Devi E. Nampiaparampil, Kavita N. Manchikanti, Frank J.E. Falco, Vijay Singh, Ramsin M. Benyamin, Alan D. Kaye, Nalini Sehgal, Amol Soin, Thomas T. Simopoulos, Sanjay Bakshi, Christopher G. Gharibo, Christopher J. Gilligan, Joshua A. Hirsch 

May 7, 2015, 17:32


  • Randomized Controlled Trials, Spine

Hemicraniectomy in the management of malignant middle cerebral artery infarction: Lessons from randomized, controlled trials

  •  Dustin Hatefi, Brian Hirshman, Didier Leys, Jean-Paul Lejeune, Lawrence Marshall, Bob S. Carter, Ekkehard Kasper, Clark C. Chen 

March 30, 2015, 13:43


  • Randomized Controlled Trials

Intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging versus standard neuronavigation for the neurosurgical treatment of glioblastoma: A randomized controlled trial

  •  Pieter L. Kubben, Felix Scholtes, Olaf E.M.G. Schijns, Mariël P. ter Laak-Poort, Onno P.M. Teernstra, Alfons G. H. Kessels, Jacobus J. van Overbeeke, Didier H. Martin, Henk van Santbrink 

March 30, 2015, 13:42


  • Randomized Controlled Trials

The value of extended glioblastoma resection: Insights from randomized controlled trials

  •  David D. Gonda, Peter Warnke, Nader Sanai, Zack Taich, Ekkehard M. Kasper, Clark C. Chen 

August 28, 2013, 19:06


  • Randomized Controlled Trials