Soon you'll see a lot more of videos on Surgical Neurology International. For that reason we are currently exploring better ways of displaying the videos. This post is about JW Player, and below you see an embedded video that is displayed using the JW Player Wordpress plugin. The video fragment is taken from the "How I Do It: Carotid Endarterectomy" video by Dr Atos Alves de Sousa from Brazil.
[jwplayer mediaid="1283"]
In this case the video file is loaded directly from our server, which only works for small files. In reality, most neurosurgical videos have a large filesize and for that reason a technique called "streaming" is used. This is also done on our Vimeo channel, where our videos are hosted.
The next step will be to combine these two: the JW Player should display the streaming media from our Vimeo channel. This gives us all the advantages of the (highly flexible) JW Player while keeping all the advantages that Vimeo has offered us so far.
We'll keep you posted!
Pieter Kubben
IT editor Surgical Neurology International