- Department of Neurosurgery, Wakayama Rosai Hospital, Wakayama, Japan
Correspondence Address:
Takahiro Sasaki
Department of Neurosurgery, Wakayama Rosai Hospital, Wakayama, Japan
Copyright: © 2017 Surgical Neurology International This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.How to cite this article: Takahiro Sasaki, Nobuhide Hayashi, Nagatsuki Tomura, Eisaku Tsuji, Hideo Okada, Toshikazu Kuwata. A case of a cerebral cavernous malformation of the third ventricle that caused the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. 26-Apr-2017;8:53
How to cite this URL: Takahiro Sasaki, Nobuhide Hayashi, Nagatsuki Tomura, Eisaku Tsuji, Hideo Okada, Toshikazu Kuwata. A case of a cerebral cavernous malformation of the third ventricle that caused the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. 26-Apr-2017;8:53. Available from: http://surgicalneurologyint.com/surgicalint-articles/a-case-of-a-cerebral-cavernous-malformation-of-the-third-ventricle-that-caused-the-syndrome-of-inappropriate-secretion-of-antidiuretic-hormone/
Background:Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs, also known as cavernous hemanigiomas) of the third ventricle are uncommon. Here, we present a rare case of a CCM that caused the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH).
Case Description:A 68-year-old man presented with acute-onset cognitive and memory disturbance. Endocrinological examinations revealed hyponatremia due to SIADH. Computed tomography indicated a high-density mass in the third ventricle that caused left unilateral hydrocephalus due to obstruction of the foramen Monroe. On magnetic resonance imaging, the mass showed high intensity in both T1 and T2-weighted images and low intensity in susceptibility-weighted images, suggesting subacute intralesional hemorrhage. We completely excised the mass via a basal interhemispheric translamina terminalis approach. Intraoperatively, the mass adhered tightly to the left hypothalamus, which was supposed to the origin and was well circumscribed from the surroundings. The histopathological diagnosis was CCM, and his SIADH improved after the operation.
Conclusion:We presented a rare case of a CCM in the third ventricle that caused SIADH, which improved after complete excision of the mass via a basal interhemispheric translamina terminalis approach.
Keywords: Cavernous hemangioma, cerebral cavernous malformation, SIADH, third ventricle
The prevalence of cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs, also known as cavernous hemanigiomas) has been reported to be 0.4–0.6%.[
A 68-year-old man presented with acute-onset cognitive and memory disturbance 10 days before admission. He experienced disorientation and had a score of 12 points on the mini-mental state examination (MMSE). He had no headache, nausea, or visual disturbance, including a visual field defect. Endocrinological examinations revealed hyponatremia (119 mEq/L), serum hypo-osmolality (242 mOsm/L), urinal hyper-osmolality (475 mOsm/L), presence of serum antidiuretic hormone (1.6 pg/mL), continued renal excretion of sodium (93.6 meq/L), normal adrenocortical function, absence of clinical evidence of volume depletion, absence of other causes of hyponatremia, and correction of hyponatremia with fluid restriction, which met the criteria of SIADH. Computed tomography (CT) indicated a high-density mass located in the third ventricle that caused left unilateral hydrocephalus due to obstruction of the foramen Monroe [
Figure 1
Preoperative computed tomography scan (a) shows a high-density mass in the third ventricle, which obstructed the foramen Monroe, causing left unilateral hydrocephalus. On MRI, the mass shows high intensity in both T1-weighted images (b) and T2-weighted images (c) and low intensity in susceptibility-weighted images (d), suggesting subacute intralesional hemorrhage. The mass is not enhanced with gadolinium (e: Axial, f: Coronal image)
The mass was removed via a basal interhemispheric translamina terminalis approach [
Figure 3
Photomicrograph of the surgical specimen stained with hematoxylin and eosin shows variant vessels, hematomas, and hemosiderin (a and b). Elastica van Gieson staining shows thin blood vessel walls containing endothelium and a collagenous adventitia (c). CD34-immunoreactivity is identified in the endothelial-like cells (d)
Hyponatremia and serum hypo-osmolality improved (Na: 137 meq/L, serum osmolarity: 279 mOsm/L) without fluid restriction 7 days postoperatively. Diabetes insipidus did not appear. Postoperative T1WIs showed that the mass was completely excised and that the left unilateral hydrocephalus improved [
Intraventricular CCMs represent only 2–10% of CCMs in the literature;[
Antidiuretic hormone is produced by the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus and is released at the posterior pituitary gland. SIADH due to suprasellar tumors, such as Rathke's cleft cysts, craniopharyngiomas, germ cell tumors, arachnoid cysts, and pituitary adenomas, sometimes occurs before surgery, because the mass might cause inappropriate ADH release by direct mechanical stimulation and ischemic changes at the osmoreceptor and ADH-secreting neurons.[
CCMs in the third ventricle have been reported to show rapid growth compared with those at other sites, and they can lead to severe morbidity.[
We presented a rare case of a CCM in the third ventricle that caused SIADH. The patient's condition improved after removal of the mass via a basal interhemispheric translamina terminalis approach.
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Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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