- Department of Neurosurgery, Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Sacramento Medical Center, Sacramento, CA 95825
Correspondence Address:
Paul T Akins
Department of Neurosurgery, Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Sacramento Medical Center, Sacramento, CA 95825
Copyright: © 2013 Akins PT This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are creditedHow to cite this article: Akins PT, Axelrod YK, Ji C, Ciporen JN, Arshad ST, Hawk MW, Guppy KH. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis complicated by subdural hematomas: Case series and literature review. Surg Neurol Int 19-Jun-2013;4:85
How to cite this URL: Akins PT, Axelrod YK, Ji C, Ciporen JN, Arshad ST, Hawk MW, Guppy KH. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis complicated by subdural hematomas: Case series and literature review. Surg Neurol Int 19-Jun-2013;4:85. Available from: http://sni.wpengine.com/surgicalint_articles/cerebral-venous-sinus-thrombosis-complicated-by-subdural-hematomas-case-series-and-literature-review/
Background:Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) can cause elevated intracranial pressure, hemorrhagic venous infarct, and cortical subarachnoid hemorrhage. We present a case series and literature review to illustrate that CVST can also present with subdural hematoma (SDH).
Case Description:Chart review was completed on a retrospective case series of CVST with spontaneous SDH. We also conducted a literature search. Over a 6 year interval, three patients with CVST and SDH were admitted to the neurointensive care unit. A 38-year-old woman had both SDH and a hemorrhagic venous infarct associated with a transverse sinus thrombosis. She was managed conservatively with long-term anticoagulation. A 68-year-old woman presented with an acute SDH requiring craniotomy and a thrombosed cortical vein was noted intraoperatively. Computed tomography venography showed thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus. She had polycythemia vera with the V617 Jak2 gene mutation and was managed with aspirin and hydroxyurea. A 60-year-old male had recurrence of a spontaneous convexity SDH requiring reoperation. Neuroimaging identified ipsilateral transverse sinus thrombosis with retrograde flow into the opposite sinus. Manometry demonstrated elevated venous pressures and these normalized after thrombectomy. Angiography performed after endovascular treatment demonstrated a normal venous drainage pattern. There have been limited reports of SDH complicating CVST in the literature.
Conclusion:This case series and literature review demonstrates that CVST can also present with spontaneous SDH with or without associated venous infarctions. Treatment must be individualized. This is the first published description of endovascular thrombectomy for recurrent symptomatic SDH due to CVST.
Keywords: Cerebral sinus thrombosis, cerebral venous thrombosis, embolectomy, polycythemia vera, subdural hematoma, stroke
Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) is an uncommon cause of stroke. [
The increasing availability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MR venography and computed tomography (CT) venography has improved our ability to detect other clinical manifestations of CVST including subdural hematoma (SDH) [
Under institutional review board (IRB) approval, a prospective inpatient neurosurgery database is maintained that records patients admitted to the neurointensive care unit since 2006. We reviewed this database for CVST and SDH from 2006 to 2012 and identified three patients. We then completed retrospective chart review for patients diagnosed with CVST and SDH. Using PubMed, a literature search was completed for CVST and SDH.
Case summaries
Case 1
A 38-year-old woman on oral contraceptives presented with headache and difficulty speaking. She had no other significant past medical history. A left frontal SDH and left temporal venous infarct with a left transverse sinus thrombosis was demonstrated on CT and MRI [
Figure 1
Case 1. A 38-year-old woman on oral contraceptives presented with headache and difficulty speaking. She had no other significant past medical history. A left frontal subdural hematoma (white arrows, a, b; black arrow, c) and left temporal venous infarct (white arrow, c) with a left transverse sinus thrombosis (black arrow, d) was demonstrated on CT (a) and MR imaging (b, c, d). A hypercoagulable work-up did not reveal any additional thrombophilias
Case 2
A 68-year-old woman with polycythemia vera experienced a global, nonpositional headache for one day. She subsequently became comatose. On emergent evaluation she exhibited decorticate posturing. Her Glasgow coma score was 6. There was no preceding history of trauma, infection, or dehydration. She was not on anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents. Her polycythemia vera had been managed with therapeutic phlebotomy and hydroxyurea (500 mg daily). She had no prior history of thromboembolic events. Noncontrasted head CT showed extensive left 20 mm acute SDH with 16 mm of midline shift [
Figure 2
Case 2. A 68-year-old woman with polycythemia vera experienced a severe headache and then deteriorated to coma. At the time of craniotomy, the neurosurgeon observed a thrombosed cortical vein following evacuation of the subdural hematoma. A coronal CT head (a) demonstrates a left acute subdural hematoma (dashed arrow). CT venogram (b) is notable for the empty delta sign (solid arrow) due to intraluminal thrombus preventing normal opacification of the sagittal sinus. Genetic testing demonstrated the V617F mutation within the JAK2 gene
Case 3
A 60-year-old male experienced one month of escalating bifrontal headaches refractory to analgesics and antibiotics prescribed for presumed sinusitis. The headaches increased during sneezing, bending over, or bedrest and improved when he was sitting or standing. There was no history of trauma. His prior medical history was notable for hypertension and hyperlipidemia. There was no family history of coagulopathy or thrombophilia. He was married, employed, used 0.5 packs of tobacco (7.5 packs/years), consumed alcohol socially, and did not use any illicit drugs. His vital signs were notable for sinus bradycardia with a heart rate of 39 and elevated BP of 184/86 mmHg. He had no other significant findings on physical examination; detailed neurologic examination was unremarkable. Routine admission laboratory studies were within normal limits. Coagulation studies including platelet function assays were normal.
Noncontrasted head CT demonstrated a 19 mm left isodense SDH with 10 mm of midline shift [
Figure 3
Case 3. A 60-year-old male presented with one month of escalating headaches and no history of trauma or use of antiplatelets or anticoagulants. CT head demonstrated a left isodense subdural hematoma (a). This was evacuated surgically with mini-craniotomy. The initial imaging on postoperative day one (POD#1, b) showed excellent radiographic results. Repeated imaging on postoperative day 27 (POD#27,, c) showed recurrence of the left isodense subdural hematoma
A scheduled follow up head CT obtained on postoperative day 27 was notable for recurrent SDH with a frontal predilection
Patient underwent cerebral angiography on postoperative day 7 after SDH evacuation [
Figure 4
Case 3. Catheter angiography (a and b) and venography (c and d) were performed. Right common carotid artery injection shows normal venous draining pattern (a). Left common carotid injection (b) shows stagnate flow in the vein of L abbe (black arrow), retrograde drainage via the right transverse sinus (dashed and open arrows), and a filling defect (black circle). Selective venography of the left transverse sinus (c) demonstrates back-filling of the vein of Labbe (black arrow) and elevated pressures. Following endovascular treatment (d), normal venous drainage and pressures are restored
Diagnosis of CVST is challenging given the variability in presenting symptoms and signs. It is widely accepted that CVST may present with elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) and hemorrhagic venous infarcts. [
A literature review was completed, and we identified seven case reports [
Many patients with SDH complicating CVST have underlying thrombophilias. Once the need for neurosurgical intervention has been clarified, some patients may require cautious treatment with anticoagulation. The presence of thrombophilias is generally established based on personal and family history and selective laboratory testing. The first patient that we presented had increased risk of venous thrombosis due to oral contraceptive agents. Our second patient was at risk of cerebral venous thrombosis due to polycythemia vera and her case shares many features with the prior report of a patient with polycythemia vera complicated by CVST and SDH.
Our manometric measurements before and after endovascular treatment contribute novel information to the pathophysiology of SDH complicating CVST. The hemodynamic consequences of CVST found in our third patient included: Flow reversal in the transverse sinus, venous stasis, delayed drainage of the vein of Labbe, and elevated venous pressures. While the precise source of subdural bleeding was not visible at the time of surgery, we attribute the SDH venous bleeding caused by cortical venous hypertension and associated venous engorgement. The initial evacuation of the hematoma allowed for short-term radiographic improvement but may have reaccumulated to provide a tamponading effect on the bleeding source. Once the CVST was identified and treated using a novel endovascular approach, he had a satisfactory recovery and no additional recurrences of his SDH. Our proposed mechanism of SDH arising from CVST (venous engorgement and hypertension) is analogous to the mechanism of SDH arising from dural AVFs.[
While the cornerstone of treatment for CVST complicated by elevated ICP or venous infarction is anticoagulation, [
In contrast, we recommend against early initiation of full anticoagulation (e.g., heparin and heparinoids) for patients who require neurosurgical intervention for intracranial bleeding complicating CVST. Our second and third patients were symptomatic from the SDH and required surgical intervention. We did not anticoagulate these surgical patients but did provide hydration and antiplatelet agents. The recurrence of the SDH in patient 3 illustrates the risk of rebleeding if the underlying CVST is not recognized and treated. At our center, we reserve full anticoagulation after craniotomy for a minimum of 2 weeks in uncomplicated cases and often extend this interval based on case-specific details such as risks of delayed neurologic decline, underlying neuropathology, or need for additional surgeries. When anticoagulation is recommended following intracranial procedures, we avoid bridging therapy (heparin, heparinoids) and start warfarin unless there are other compelling features such as pulmonary embolus with hemodynamic compromise. While we did start patients 2 and 3 on aspirin, the benefit of antiplatelet agents on venous thrombosis is negligible. We did not identify any reported cases of CVST and surgically managed SDH treated with systemic anticoagulation [
It is important to recognize that SDH and CVST may both arise as a rare complication of intracranial hypotension. It is well known that intracranial hypotension can cause SDH due to sagging brain structures and venous engorgement.[
In conclusion, CVST may present with spontaneous SDH with or without associated hemorrhagic infarctions. With the rising clinical access to noninvasive MR venography and CT venography, we anticipate that the diagnosis of CVST complicated by SDH and cortical SAH will increase. Management of patients with SDH complicating CVST is complex due to contraindications for anticoagulation in patients with symptomatic SDH. Surgical intervention for SDH with mass effect appears to be well tolerated. Endovascular thrombectomy of the CVST for patients with recurrent SDH is an emerging treatment option to treat the underlying venous hypertension and avoiding the bleeding risks of systemic anticoagulation. Clinicians must also remain attentive to the possibility that the SDH and CVST arise as a delayed complication of intracranial hypotension, as the treatment approach must incorporate treatment for a CSF leak.
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