- Department of Surgery, Dr. Sa’ad AL-Witri Hospital for Neurosciences, Baghdad, Iraq
- Department of Surgery, Ibn Sina University of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Baghdad, Iraq
- Department of Surgery, Hawler Medical University, College of Medicine, Erbil, Iraq
- Department of Neurosurgery, Dr. Sa’ad AL-Witri Hospital for Neurosciences, Baghdad, Iraq
- Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
- Department of Surgery, University of Mustansiriyah, College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq
- Department of Surgery, Baghdad Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq
Correspondence Address:
Ahmed Adnan Al-juboori, Department of Surgery, Dr. Sa’ad AL-Witri Hospital for Neurosciences, Baghdad, Iraq.
Copyright: © 2025 Surgical Neurology International This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, transform, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.How to cite this article: Ahmed Adnan Al-Juboori1, Saif Anmar Badran2, Injam Ibrahim Sulaiman3, Ali Akram Shahadha4, Ali Sabah Alsamok4, Sajjad G. Al-Badri5, Rania H. Al-Taie6, Mustafa Ismail7. Clinical implications of sagittal stratum damage: Laterality, neuroanatomical developmental considerations, and functional outcomes. 03-Jan-2025;16:4
How to cite this URL: Ahmed Adnan Al-Juboori1, Saif Anmar Badran2, Injam Ibrahim Sulaiman3, Ali Akram Shahadha4, Ali Sabah Alsamok4, Sajjad G. Al-Badri5, Rania H. Al-Taie6, Mustafa Ismail7. Clinical implications of sagittal stratum damage: Laterality, neuroanatomical developmental considerations, and functional outcomes. 03-Jan-2025;16:4. Available from: https://surgicalneurologyint.com/?post_type=surgicalint_articles&p=13314
Background: The sagittal stratum (SS) is an important white matter (WM) structure that provides the anatomic substrate for cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical axial interconnections necessary to overcome sensory, cognitive and motor processes. SS damage due to diseases or surgical lesions often results in significant functional losses, mainly involving serious language, visual processing, and cognitive deficits. These risks are maximized in older adults because of age-related WM degeneration.
Methods: In this comprehensive review, the research aims to synthesize research conducted on anatomy-functional roles that concern the SS, damage, and surgical outcomes. This would then separate studies that employed high neuroimaging advanced techniques, such as diffusion tensor imaging, combined with intraoperative mapping performed during awake surgery. Key attention areas will, therefore, be trajectories pointing toward lateralization of the SS tracts, age-related vulnerabilities, and the effectiveness of surgical strategies in preserving SS integrity.
Results: The review indicates that the pattern of SS damage is associated with lateralized deficits stemming from left-sided lesions, while language and vision are affected by right-sided. Older adults, already bearing significant WM degeneration, therefore, stand at a significantly greater risk of overall cognitive decline from compounding losses due to SS damage. However, advanced neuroimaging tools and refined surgical techniques have made the preservation of SS pathways much more effective, reducing long-term deficits.
Conclusion: Intraoperative preservation of SS integrity is crucial for the reduction of functional deficits and enhancement of the outcomes. Customized surgical techniques that consider tract lateralization and age-related changes are required. Further research in this area is needed.
Keywords: Cognitive functions, Neuroimaging, Sagittal stratum, Surgical outcomes, White matter tracts
The sagittal stratum (SS) fills a very impressive crossing of neural pathways—refined in the nexus between the brain’s white matter (WM) architecture and the orchestration of many cognitive and sensory processes. Having a location on crossroads, basically, of polygon shape, the SS is formed by inferior frontal-occipital fasciculus (IFOF), Optic radiation (OR), middle longitudinal fascicle (MdlF), and other associational fibers to guarantee communication between the disparate regions of the brain’s ipsilateral hemisphere.[
Recent research has underscored the profound clinical ramifications of SS damage, especially in neurosurgical contexts. The SS is a structure of interest and concern during surgical interventions since complex, multi-layered organization can lead to inadvertent damage with serious postoperative deficits, such as visual field cuts, language impairments, and disruptions in cognitive functions, which all argue for scrupulous surgical planning and execution.[
Search strategy
In this context, a critical review is given of the clinical implications due to the damage to the SS in terms of functional outcomes and considerations of age. Either published research, blended in data from case literature, was coordinated to offer views across the topic. A comprehensive search was conducted across multiple databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science. The search strategy was developed to capture a broad range of studies about the anatomy and its functional roles, the clinical significance of SS, and different neurological conditions. The keywords used to search the literature on the SS, WM tracts, inferior frontal-occipital fasciculus, OR, MdlF, clinical implication, functional outcome, parallel processing, and age-related change involved Boolean operators for the critical refining of the search in order to ensure all relevant literature was included.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
The inclusion criteria in this umbrella review were chosen so that only the studies that provided relevant and high-quality insights regarding the position of the SS were included. Specifically, those using human subjects or human brain specimens were covered in order to have direct general applicability to all potential clinical practices. The studies included were human subject studies investigating the structure of the SS, its functional significance, and its clinical implications, with a focus on disruption to this structure and the ensuing effects on cognitive and sensory functions.
The preferential selection has focused on original research, case reports, retrospective studies, systematic reviews, as well as other relevant observational studies, through which many SSs and related WM tracts’ insights could be better uncovered. Specifically preferred are studies that provide data on the functional outcomes associated with SS damage in general and age-related changes, visual, language, and cognitive impairments. Exclusion criteria were applied for relevance and applicability to ensure only studies conducted on matter tracing the SS or its related deep WM tracts. Furthermore, included were studies that focused on this area rather than more general studies looking at it as an entity. Studies published in another language that did not offer an English version for translation were also ruled out to remove the possibility of flawed interpretation and to conduct an exhaustive review. Finally, studies performed exclusively in animals will be excluded, as there should be a clear relation in content to human anatomy or clinical practice, so it will be applicable for the important aim of offering knowledge that will be useful for understanding human neurological function and clinical outcomes.
Data extraction and analysis
The extraction of data was done very systematically, aiming at a full and accurate representation of the study findings from the selected studies. The extracted data included characteristics of the main studies, such as the author, year of publication, country, design, populations under study, and patient demographics, which formed a general background for each study. More so, comprehensive information was acquired regarding the point of focus anatomically, which, in this case, was centered on WM tracts within the SS and their interconnectivity in an attempt to understand the structural and functional role of these tracts.
Further, the functional roles of the SS and its related WM tracts were another critical section with regard to data extraction and allowed the identification of contributions that the SS made to various cognitive and sensory processes. These contributed to establishing relationships between anatomical structures and clinical outcomes.
Consequently, there were carefully documented, in many articles, a number of clinical implications of damage to the SS, particularly regarding visual, language, and cognitive functions, along with age-related changes that could exacerbate noted effects. Besides that, it was also documented which neuroimaging and intraoperative techniques the studies used in order to determine the methodologies that went into the investigation of the SS. This was an important piece of information since it would tell how the anatomical and functional data were obtained and the obtained findings’ reliability.
Two researchers independently reviewed the analysis for accuracy and appropriateness. Any disparity in the reflections regarding the reviews was discussed, and mutual consent led to the production of the final synthesis, which rests on the foundation of accurate and agreed-upon data. Qualitative synthesis was performed with an emphasis on the identification of common themes and patterns such that the results of all these studies could be comprehensively understood in terms of the role of the SS in neurological function and the clinical implications of damage to the SS.
Quality assessment
The tool Risk of bias in non-randomized studies(ROBINS-I) was used to determine that the studies included do not have a biased nature so that the findings can be generalized and have validity. The quality assessment is attached in
Synthesis of results
These findings were synthesized into common themes and patterns across the data in a qualitative manner. Studies were grouped with respect to functional outcomes, such as visual, language, and cognitive, and the effects of damage to SS, with special emphasis on age-related considerations. The synthesis would establish a deep understanding of the role SS plays in neurological functioning and the clinical implications of its damage in relation to neurosurgical interventions.
Ethical considerations
Since this was a review of available literature, no new data was to be collected from human subjects; therefore, no ethical approvals were needed. The included studies were checked for reporting that they had adhered to ethical standards.
Demographic and clinical characteristics
The studies included in this review span a diverse demographic range, encompassing patients of various ages, genders, and clinical conditions, all of which provide a broad basis for understanding the implications of SS damage [
These demographic findings are important, as they suggest that age, handedness, and baseline cognitive function could all be critical modifiers of the functional outcomes after SS damage and may affect the effectiveness of surgical interventions. Older patients, in particular, could be more sensitive to long-term risks for chronic cognitive decline due to added effects from the degeneration of WM with aging on top of disease-induced damage.
Anatomical organization and connectivity
The SS contains some WM tracts of key interest in cognitive and sensory processing. Among these, OR assumes a special position in relation to visual processing [
Figure 1:
Illustrative representation of the SS and associated white matter tracts in the brain. (a) Lateral view of the brain surface for anatomical orientation. (b) Visualization of the sagittal stratum and its connections with the inferior longitudinal fasciculus and middle longitudinal fasciculus. The angular fasciculus and intraparietal sulcus are shown in relation to the SS.(c) Detailed view showing the SS in relation to the corona radiata, dorsal claustrum, and ILF. (d) The deep layer of the SS and its relationship to the dorsal claustrum, amygdaloid body, and hippocampal body. (e) Illustration of the optic radiation, including Meyer’s loop and its connectivity with the SS. AF/SLF: Arcuate fasciculus / Superior longitudinal fasciculus, Hipp. Body: Hippocampal body, IFOF stands for Inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, ILF: Inferior longitudinal fasciculus, IPS: Intraparietal sulcus, LGB: Lateral geniculate body, MdLF: Middle longitudinal fasciculus, OT: Optic tract, OR: Optic radiation, SS: Sagittal stratum
Another critical tract in the SS is the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, which interconnects the occipital and temporal lobes. This kind of interconnection may be relevant to the procedures of visual identification and memory integration. Interestingly, the participation of the left ILF is overwhelmingly dominant in lexical access and linking faces to their names. In contrast, right ILF involvement can include nonverbal semantic processing and emotional recognition; it participates in face recognition and visual memory, predominantly across individuals with atypical linguistic lateralization, such as left-handers.[
The inferior frontal-occipital fasciculus forms the ventral pathway of visual stimulation and provides a critical route for the integration of visual stimuli with past experiences stored as conceptual knowledge. The IFOF subserves both verbal and nonverbal semantic processes, although it is dominant on the left side for language comprehension and visual-language integration. However, the right IFOF has a greater role in nonverbal tasks, interprets facial expressions, and recognizes objects.[
The other important constituents of the SS include the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) and the arcuate fasciculus (AF). These tracts are fundamental ways of interconnecting language-related areas to support cognitive functions such as spatial working memory and social cognition. For example, the left SLF is heavily involved in language processing, specifically phonological and articulatory functions. In contrast, the right SLF is involved in social cognition and emotional regulation, with changes in this tract contributing to conditions such as social anxiety disorder.[
Functional implications of SS damage
Damage to the SS and its associated tracts can cause substantial functional impairments, although the specific outcomes often depend on the laterality of the affected tracts [
While the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) has been related to the integration of visual recognition and memory, different functions laterally remain relatively less known. The left ILF is more concerned with proper name retrieval, especially face-name association, and lexical access, interconnecting the occipital and temporal regions essential for visual recognition and word retrieval. The right ILF, on the other hand, is more involved in face recognition and visual working memory processing. It makes a large contribution to cross-hemispheric processing in individuals with both right- and left-handers or those who have atypical language lateralization. In addition, the right ILF may also subserve nonverbal semantic processing and emotion recognition via projections to the temporal lobe—and thus is crucially placed in integrating visual stimuli with emotional context.[
The IFOF is essential in linking visual stimuli to conceptual knowledge and has lateralized functions playing a crucial role in verbal and nonverbal semantic cognition. On the left, IFOF subserves language comprehension and visual-language integration via semantic processing, while on the right, it contributes significantly to nonverbal tasks—mostly in the realm of visual-semantic processing, such as facial expression interpretation and object recognition. Damage to the left IFOF has been associated with language deficits, and in particular with difficulties in linking visual input to semantic meaning. In contrast, damage to the right IFOF can affect the meaning given to visual stimuli and nonverbal cues, including facial expressions, underlining its role in nonverbal semantic cognition.[
The superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) and the AF play important roles in interconnecting language-related areas and supporting a number of other higher cognitive functions; their roles also significantly lateralize. The left SLF is especially concerned with language processing— particularly in connecting receptive and expressive language areas—and plays a crucial role in spatial working memory and coordinating complex cognitive functions related to language and attention. On the other hand, the right SLF is part of the interplay between occipito-temporal regions and prefrontal areas that take part in social cognition, emotional regulation, and face processing. The right SLF has lately been implicated in social anxiety disorder, thus showing its involvement in emotional and social processing.[
The thalamocortical radiations are critically involved in executive functions, including attention, cognitive efficiency, and problem-solving. It has been proven that there is a high correlation between the left thalamocortical pathway integrity and good cognitive outcomes. Thalamocortical radiations may also intervene healthily in mental flexibility, inhibition, and shifting. Along with the left thalamocortical pathway, an executive function is also supported by the right thalamocortical pathway, particularly the aspects of attention and cognitive efficiency. WM microstructure changes in the right thalamocortical fibers have been reported as related to executive dysfunction, mainly in children affected by epilepsy. This position emphasizes its integral role in the global process of sensorial integration and maintenance of “cognitive flexibility.”[
Surgical considerations and outcomes
The SS, with its associated WM tracts, is involved in maintaining a wide range of cognitive, sensory, and motor functions. Surgical interventions for SS, mainly gliomas and other brain lesions, need adequate preplanning and intraoperative strategies to reduce postoperative deficits. The current discourse synthesizes findings from multiple studies and then points out the surgical considerations and outcomes related to interventions close to the SS.
Intraoperative DES has already become a “gold standard” for awake brain surgery aimed at the resection of the tumors situated in close relations with the critical SS tracts with the goal of preserving relevant functions. The case description by Fernández Coello et al. (2013)[
Laterality of the affected SS tracts has a significant bearing on the type of functional deficits observed postoperatively. ChanSeng et al. (2014)[
Age is thus an essential consideration in surgical planning because age-related WM degeneration can exaggerate the effects of SS damage. Robles et al. (2022)[
Long-term recovery and rehabilitation
Overall, long-term functional recovery after SS surgery is quite good if the critical tracts are preserved. Duffau et al. (2005, 2008)[
Neuroimaging and surgical planning
Advanced neuroimaging modalities form an intrinsic part of surgical planning and execution of procedures at the SS. Hosoya et al. (1998)[
Preservation of the critical SS pathways during surgery is very important for minimizing functional deficits and ensuring a high quality of life after surgery. According to the accumulated literature, advanced neuroimaging techniques support methods of intraoperative mapping and require sophisticated knowledge of the complex connectivity within the SS to guide surgical decisions. Neurosurgeons should make continuous, unremitting attempts to use the latest techniques and strategies to tide over such challenges, as our understanding of the SS and the associated tracts is ever evolving.
Although SS surgeries carry critical cognitive and sensory risks, the evidence shows that they can be avoided with careful surgical planning, consideration of the patient’s condition, and utilization of advanced intraoperative methods. Future research should further elucidate the long-term outcomes of SS surgeries, particularly age-related differences and possible neural recovery in various populations.
Age-related implications of SS damage
There are important age-related implications for the damage to the SS, especially because aging alone tends to result in the natural degeneration of WM tracts. This degeneration might contribute to the impact of damage in the SS on cognitive and sensory outcomes and may mitigate any outcome advantage observed in older compared with younger subjects.
Little wonder that, in aging, WM structural integrity is generally lowered for key tracts within the SS: ILF and IFOF. It has been demonstrated that this age-related degradation is most rigid in ILF and IFOF—the core pathways related to visual recognition, memory integration, and semantic processing. The natural decline in these tracts’ integrity contributes to an increased vulnerability to cognitive impairments, such as memory deficits and difficulties in visual processing, particularly in tasks that require the integration of visual stimuli with semantic knowledge. For instance, Robles et al. (2022)[
Moreover, diminished neural plasticity in elderly patients reduces the chances of recovery from SS damage. The fact that young individuals have a less plastic brain compared to older ones also implies that some compensation/reorganization after injury does occur in the higher-plasticity brain. In contrast, similar damage in the elderly is more likely to result in permanent deficits because of the lesser plasticity of the brain. This impact is best viewed concerning surgical interventions associated with the SS because patients are more likely to have long-term cognitive and sensory deficits if critical WM tracts are damaged during surgical procedures.
Additionally, age-related changes have an impact on neurosurgical outcomes through changes to WM. For instance, studies like those by Chan-Seng et al. (2014)[
In summary, aging processes are a prominent modifier of SS damage outcome, with older individuals more likely to present with cognitive and sensory impairments from both naturally occurring degeneration and decreased neural plasticity. This underlies the importance of age-related considerations in the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical management of pathologies concerning SS.
Synthesis of key findings
This review has indicated disruption to the SS and its cluster WM tracts in a variety of higher-order cognitive and sensory functions. Anatomically, the SS itself proved to be a complex and multilayered structure. Highly lateralized, these tracts have specific functional roles dependent upon their hemispheric location. Functionally, these could result in huge SS damages to the process of vision, comprehension of language, and even cognitive functions, with the degree and nature frequently modulated by the affected tract and its lateralization. These findings have important ramifications for surgical interventions, in which awake brain mapping is used to aid in preserving critical functions and minimizing long-term deficits, especially in older subjects.
In conclusion, this review provides an in-depth understanding of the anatomical and functional importance of the SS and, therefore, the need for careful surgical planning with consideration of age-related changes to optimize the benefit for patients.
Within neurosurgical interventions, the SS holds a special place because approximately 60% of all brain tumors, including gliomas, reside in eloquent regions where the integrity of the surrounding WM tracts needs to be maximally preserved to prevent significant postoperative deficits.[
Functional results of SS damage are importantly lateralized so that specific patterns of impairment have been associated with the damage of the left or right hemisphere. In reviewing the studies, this paper has shown that SS damage on the left side is often associated with major deficits in language and visual processing. For example, Chan-Seng et al. (2014)[
In contrast, right-sided damage will more likely involve nonverbal cognition and aspects of visual-spatial processing. Berro et al. (2021)[
Another critical component of the SS includes the thalamocortical radiations interconnecting the thalamus with the cerebral cortex. These tracts play a critically important role in executive functions for attention, cognitive efficiency, and problem-solving. Law et al. (2018)[
One of the major confounding variables within SS damage management is aging, whose degenerating process with age significantly worsens surgical- and disease-related disruptions in WM tracts. Robles et al. (2022)[
Besides these structural concerns, neural plasticity is reduced in older adults, which complicates the recovery from damage to the SS. Because neural plasticity is higher in the young, the damage can often be compensated for by changing the organization of brain networks. A similar amount of damage may result in more permanent deficits in older adults because their aging brain lacks such adaptability. This is especially evident in visual and memory functions, where any recovery is limited by age-related degradation of WM. Additive effects of aging and SS damage call for older patients to follow a more cautious surgical approach.
Recent research into the cerebral WM myelination process has greatly improved knowledge of how age, gender, and cognitive functions are intertwined in brain development at crucial white-matter pathways, such as the SS. Myelination is one critical process that enables efficient neural transmission that significantly changes across the lifespan and thus impacts cognitive ability and the overall functional integrity of the brain. As Buyanova and Arsalidou (2021)[
Preservation of SS tracts at surgery is important to reduce postoperative deficits and to have good long-term outcomes. Progress in neuroimaging and intraoperative mapping has dramatically enhanced a neurosurgeon’s possibility to recognize and spare critical pathways during brain surgery. Wu et al. (2016)[
The findings of the current study provide further support for the need for more research into the functional implications of SS damage and the refining of surgical techniques. With the evolving knowledge of the SS and its associated tracts, the need for further research persists into the long-term outcomes of SS surgeries, particularly in different age groups. Future studies should be more focused on the potential for neural recovery in older people and on developing interventions that can enhance this recovery, possibly mitigating the effects of WM degradation with age. On a clinical level, these results point out the need for surgical planning. Some forms of advanced neuroimaging and intraoperative mapping should be standard in SS surgeries to preserve the most critical pathways and thereby avoid deficits in the patient following the surgery.
In that sense, it is of great necessity that during surgery, the SS and all of its tracts be preserved to minimize possible functional impairments, ensuring a high quality of life for the patients. The results support further findings and clinical applications that underscore the necessity of a nuanced approach to SS in neurological function, with a proportional value of surgical methods for tailoring approaches according to the challenges that WM changes appear to pose throughout the aging process.
In conclusion, the SS plays a crucial role in integrating sensory, cognitive, and motor functions, making its preservation essential during neurosurgical procedures, particularly in older adults who may already have compromised WM integrity. Advances in neuroimaging and intraoperative techniques, such as DTI and DES, have significantly reduced the risks associated with SS damage. Ongoing research and the refinement of surgical approaches are vital to minimize the impact of SS injury further, ultimately aiming to improve patient outcomes and quality of life following surgery.
Ethical approval
Institutional Review Board approval is not required.
Declaration of patient consent
Patient’s consent not required as there are no patients in this study.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
Use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for manuscript preparation
The authors confirm that there was no use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for assisting in the writing or editing of the manuscript and no images were manipulated using AI.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Journal or its management. The information contained in this article should not be considered to be medical advice; patients should consult their own physicians for advice as to their specific medical needs.
We would like to express our gratitude to Mohammed A. Bani Saad for providing the illustrative image and for his exceptional effort in creating and drawing it.
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