- Department of Neurosurgery, Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Correspondence Address:
Pieter L. Kubben
Department of Neurosurgery, Maastricht University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Copyright: © 2017 Surgical Neurology International This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.How to cite this article: Pieter L. Kubben. NeuroMind: Past, present, and future. 06-Sep-2017;8:216
How to cite this URL: Pieter L. Kubben. NeuroMind: Past, present, and future. 06-Sep-2017;8:216. Available from: http://surgicalneurologyint.com/surgicalint-articles/neuromind-past-present-and-future/
This narrative report describes the underlying rationale and technical developments of NeuroMind, a mobile clinical decision support system for neurosurgery. From the perspective of a neurosurgeon – (app) developer it explains how technical progress has shaped the world's “most rated and highest rated” neurosurgical mobile application, with particular attention for operating system diversity on mobile hardware, cookbook medicine, regulatory affairs (in particular regarding software as a medical device), and new developments in the field of clinical data science, machine learning, and predictive analytics. Finally, the concept of “computational neurosurgery” is introduced as a vehicle to reach new horizons in neurosurgery.
Keywords: Clinical data science, machine learning, mhealth, mobile, predictive analytics, programmng
During my medical training I started developing websites after being inspired by a colleague who used to do so. I bought a book on web development, and started with static content using only HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). Later this evolved into interactive content. I created an educational website with interactive patient cases for neurology and did a pilot study on whether open questions were better than multiple choice questions for online assessment (in our results, they were not). Afterwards I moved towards PHP (which stands for PHP Hypertext Processor) and MySQL (SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and MySQL is the most known open source approach) for more advanced database-driven interactivity. At that moment PDA's (Personal Digital Assistants) were hitting the market, and back then you had to choose between Palm OS (Palm Inc, Sunnyvale, CA) and Pocket PC (Microsoft, Redmond, WA). There were some third party solutions for cross-platform development, such as AvantGo.com (San Mateo, CA) and Mobipocket.com (Paris, France). These solutions accepted web pages to be “clipped” on the device after synchronisation with a desktop computer or laptop using a so-called “cradle” (a docking station for a palmtop device). This approach allowed to access web content offline, which was important as mobile data networks were limited and relatively expensive. Also, wireless networking was not available on the first mobile devices. In 2003 I started working as a resident in neurosurgery and soon I realized there were many grading scales and classification systems that I needed to apply in my clinical work but –as I did not need to apply them on a regular basis - I had trouble remembering them. I built a solution using PHP, MySQL, and Mobipocket and improved it throughout the years afterwards. Later, I added some interactivity using JavaScript. In contrast to PHP, which is executed at the server (server-sided scripting), JavaScript is executed in the browser (client-sided scripting) and therefore worked well in this clipping approach.
NeuroMind 1.0
After introduction of the iPhone (2007) and the App Store (2008) I immediately loved the device and its refreshing approach towards mobile computing. Obviously, I wanted to have my grading scales and classification systems with me on this new device to support my “palmomental reflex.”[
NeuroMind 1.5
After introduction of the iPad mid 2010 many apps introduced a so-called “HD” version referring to the larger screen (which was not high definition or “retina” by any means). To create a NeuroMind version for iPad some serious rework was necessary. Meanwhile the Android operating system (Google Inc, Mountain View, CA) was attracting more users, but programming for Android is done in Java – a completely different programming language than Objective C. For that reason I started looking for cross-platform development frameworks targeting both iPhone OS (the formerly iOS) and Android. My framework of choice became Titanium Studio (Appcelerator Inc, San Jose, CA), which uses a dedicated Javascript API (Application Programming Interface) that gets translated into native device code. The advantage of this approach is that the native user interface “look and feel” of each device is maintained, whereas a more “hybrid” web app cannot offer this usability advantage. Late 2010 NeuroMind 1.5 was introduced offering support for iPhone, iPad [
NeuroMind 2.0
The main disadvantage of NeuroMind 1.x was that it remained fully static. While each minor update contained some more classification systems, the format remained text-only and let the end user do the math. In 2011, I gave a TED talk explaining my thoughts on clinical decision support systems.[
NeuroMind 2.5
In 2014, increased attention was drawn to regulatory affairs for mobile medical applications, in particular focusing on the question when they needed to be considered as a medical device. The FDA released its first non-binding guidance on mobile medical applications back in 2011 with an update in 2013.[
The first question is merely a matter of testing the code and some potential scenarios of a clinical decision support module. Being both the developer and the end user I am fortunate to be able to perform these steps myself. Additionally, all content is referenced in the app so other users can check the resources being used to generate the content (and where applicable, the mindmaps were available on my blog too). The second question is more tricky: it is easy to add some options for users to reach you from within the app in case they find an error or want to ask a question. I prefer e-mail for this, and this has been present ever since NeuroMind 1.0. The main problem though is how to force the end user to update the application if an error exists and the user is not aware of this. NeuroMind has always been an application that could be used completely offline. This goes back to my work on PDA's and the philosophy that content should be available regardless of available network connectivity (many hospitals do not have full wifi coverage or won’t allow cellular networks in some departments, like the intensive care units). Holding on to this offline philosophy would introduce many challenges that were not present for an online version. Moreover, an online version would allow me to change content very quickly (updating an online database) and the new content would be immediately available on all devices without manual uploads to both the App Store and Google Play. Despite using a cross platform development framework, uploads to the different stores is still a manual process. In case of the App Store, the update's availability in the App Store is delayed a few days (sometimes up to two weeks) due to Apple's internal review process before release. There were very compelling reasons to convert NeuroMind to an online version. The main disadvantage was that I had to redevelop all interactive modules to a web-supported format as the dedicated Javascript API in Titanium had too limited support for an online version. Therefore, I rebuilt the risk calculators that I found most relevant in web technology, relying on jQuery Mobile (jQuery.com, The jQuery Foundation) for the front-end and PHP for the back-end logic of the application. As PHP is a server-sided scripting language, the back-end code is not accessible from the browser and therefore not directly available for anyone who would like to know how the app arrives at a certain decision. For the CE-marking process, I decided to make this code available on GitHub (GitHub Inc, San Francisco, CA). NeuroMind 2.5 for iOS and Android was released late 2014 and CE-marked as a class I medical device [
New inspiration
By 2015, I started losing motivation for further development of NeuroMind. A sense of “been there, done that” came up frequently and I was wondering how to continue. Meanwhile I started learning the Python programming language in the context of data science, to which I will refer later in this article. Python is relatively easy to pick up and an excellent language to start learning programming. For this reason I created the website
Having found back the joy in iOS development I decided to rebuilt NeuroMind from scratch, using Swift and XCode. The obvious side effect would be that Android users would not benefit from this update, but for two reasons I did not mind at the time. First, the download figures suggested that there were many more iOS users than Android users for NeuroMind. Second, I decided to offer some In App Purchases to cover for my development-related expenses and future investments. This was easier to do when focusing on one platform.
NeuroMind 3.0
Early 2016, NeuroMind 3.0 for iOS was released [
NeuroMind.cc is the current version of NeuroMind, and is available on all devices and all screen sizes. All content is available free of charge. Moreover, it is also directly accessible from any modern web browser on desktop or laptop using the weblink
Three directions are important for the future of NeuroMind: content, technical, and regulatory. Regarding content, my intention is to add more decision support modules. The advantage of running Google Analytics is that I can view which content is being used most, and hence could benefit of more support and interactivity. Such content could be developed by me, but also by others who wish to contribute to NeuroMind. Current interactive content is based on simple calculations or flowcharts. Therefore, all content flow can be derived from studying the source code. In contrast to this so-called “white box” approach, further technical development may also allow for “black box” approaches in which machine learning techniques are applied for predictive modelling. This field is also referred to as (clinical) data science. The current platform would easily allow to integrate such content, that may be generated in Python or R.[
Computational neurosurgery
Besides an overview of NeuroMind development, underlying philosophy and practical considerations of the world's “most rated and highest rated” neurosurgical mobile application,[
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