- Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Correspondence Address:
Robert Rostomily
Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Copyright: © 2013 Ramakrishna R This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.How to cite this article: Ramakrishna R, Rostomily R. Seed, soil, and beyond: The basic biology of brain metastasis. Surg Neurol Int 02-May-2013;4:
How to cite this URL: Ramakrishna R, Rostomily R. Seed, soil, and beyond: The basic biology of brain metastasis. Surg Neurol Int 02-May-2013;4:. Available from: http://sni.wpengine.com/surgicalint_articles/seed-soil-and-beyond-the-basic-biology-of-brain-metastasis/
First invoked by Paget, the seed and soil hypothesis suggests that the successful growth of metastatic cells depends on the interactions and properties of cancer cells (seeds) and their potential target organs (soil). In the context of the seed and soil hypothesis this review examines recent advances in the understanding of molecular and cellular features that permit transformed epithelial cells to gain access to the blood stream (intravasation), survive their journey through the blood stream, and ultimately traverse through the microvasculature of target organs (extravsation) to deposit, survive, and grow in a foreign tissue environment. In addition to a review of the clinical and experimental evidence supporting the seed and soil theory to cancer metastasis, additional concepts highlighted include: (i) The role of cancer stem-like cells as putative cells of metastatic origin (the “seeds”); (ii) the mechanism of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in driving epithelial cell conthose molecules do no blood stream to avoid anoikis, or anchorage independent cell death; and (iv) the reverse process of EMT, or mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET), which promotes conversion back to the parent cell morphology and growth of macrometastsis in the target organ. The unique biology of metastases once established in the brain, and in particular the “sanctuary” role that the brain microenvironment plays in promoting metastatic growth and treatment resistance, will also be examined. These issues are of more than academic interest since as systemic therapies gradually improve local tumor control, the relative impact of brain metastasis will inexorably play a proportionally greater role in determining patient morbidity and mortality.
Keywords: Brain metastasis, cerebral metastasis, EMT, MET, Paget, perivascular niche, seed vs soil
In the United States, greater than 40% of cancer patients develop metastasis to the brain.[
Table 1
Incidence of brain metastases organized by primary tumor[
Certainly, the process of metastasis testifies to the hardiness of cancer cells and subsequent resistance to treatment. To successfully metastasize to the brain is a rigorous and complex cellular process. In step-wise fashion, an epithelial derived cancer cell must free itself of cell–cell and cell–basal lamina constraints imposed by the parent epithelial tissue, lyse its anchoring basement membrane, invade through underlying mesenchyme, and pass between endothelial cells to intravasate into the blood stream. Once in the circulation, the tumor cells must resist apoptosis driven by loss of cell contact (anoikis), escape immune recognition, and arrive intact at their ultimate destination. After they extravasate from the circulation into the target organ they must then implant, proliferate, and induce angiogenesis in order to survive and grow in a foreign and presumably “hostile” environment.[
Since Paget's first description of the seed and soil hypothesis regarding cancer metastasis in 1889, there has been much debate and investigation into the factors that ultimately drive metastatic deposits into their ultimate locations.[
The modern day understanding of metastasis seems to support Paget's theory although our understanding of specific mechanisms driving this phenomenon is incomplete. Lung, renal, breast, melanoma, and colorectal cancers have a propensity for brain metastasis [
Of note, an alternative hypothesis proposed by Ewing in 1928 suggested that metastasis could be explained purely by mechanical and circulatory factors and as such, the seed and soil hypothesis was unnecessary.[
Table 2
Common sites for metastasis.[
Table 3
Adapted from Chu[
A starting point in understanding the biology of brain metastasis is the recent proposal that the “seeds” of origin for metastasis possess properties of cancer stem cells. Recent data have suggested that the metastatic seeds acquire their phenotype in a multifaceted way, with changes occurring both early and late in oncogenesis, as a result of ongoing selection pressure that promotes increased malignancy.[
There are a host of genes that have been implicated in metastasis, and many of them are essential to cytoskeletal maintenance and/or extracellular matrix assembly [
The first requirement for brain metastasis is intravasation, the escape of a cancer cell from its native tissue into the blood stream. Recently it has been recognized that the initial steps in this process whereby normally constrained and immotile epithelial cells adopt invasive mesenchymal characteristics recapitulate the epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT known to occur during tissue morphogenesis and wound healing. A step wise series of cellular changes occur during metastatic EMT including loss of cell–cell contact, alteration of cell polarity, reorganization of the actin cytoskleleton, detachment from and invasion through the basement membrane, and migration through the mesenchyme. These changes are required for intravasation, - the cellular egress through the microvascular endothelium into the blood stream.[
Predictably, the molecular regulation of EMT is achieved through a complex regulatory network driven by key “master regulators”. One implicated gene is TWIST1, a transcription factor important in embryonic development also expressed in many cancers ranging from prostate, bladder, and even gliomas.[
The importance of various growth factors in EMT also indicates the importance of an extensive cross-talk between cancer cells and the surrounding stroma.[
Once the seeds of the primary cancer disseminate via extravasation into the bloodstream, mediated perhaps by EMT, they must then survive in the circulation and eventually deposit in their ultimate locations. CTCs have been demonstrated in many types of solid tumors[
Of note, the activation of an EMT is favorable for the CTC population. The ability to survive in the circulation by avoiding aniokis derives from mesenchymal attributes similar to those present in circulating hematopoietic cells. Interestingly, it has been reported that the presence of mesenchymal markers on CTCs more accurately predicted worse prognosis than the expression of cytokeratins (another markers of CTCs).[
While EMT is critical for early events in metastasis, most metastatic lesions are morphologically indistinguishable from parent tumors and lack evidence of a persisting EMT phenotype. This suggests that metastatic cancer cells at some point revert from the mesenchymal form required for intravasation back to their native epithelial phenotype. This process, postulated to represent a phenotypic reversion of EMT, has been termed mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET).[
Figure 1
Schema for EMT/MET pathobiology of metastasis. Cells (seeds) at primary tumor site undergo EMT-like program to acquire metastatic potential. Once circulating they must find a hospitable microenvironment to implant. There, they may exist in an EMT/MET equilibrium that allow maintenance of cancer stem cell-like populations for cancer renewal and reestablishment of primary tumor phenotype via an MET-like program. All of these steps are of potential treatment significance. Notably, current cancer chemotherapeutic regiments generically target the growth of cancer cells and do not target the various phases of metastasis as depicted. Moreover, current treatment paradigms including radiation do not necessarily target cancer stem cells either, as they may reside in protective niches within their metastatic sites (soil)
Upon arrival to a distant site, the metastatic cell needs to establish a foothold in its new microenvironment. Interestingly, this engagement is not easy; the efficiency of forming metastatic deposits is poor once CTCs are present in the blood stream. For example, though tumor cells in the bloodstream are a common finding in metastatic disease, less than 0.01% of CTCs succeed in forming metastases.[
Therefore, success of the seed requires successful interaction with its soil. Such interactions may begin with proteins such as ezrin, which helps link the plasma membrane to its actin cytoskeleton and thus facilitate cell surface adhesion.[
New evidence now suggests that there may also be a priming of the metastatic microenvironment in advance of the actual deposition of metastatic tumor cells.[
The brain itself provides unique challenges to the metastatic cell. Difficulties in colonizing the brain are a consequence of its lack of lymphatic drainage and the presence of its robust blood–brain barrier, which even restricts serum proteins unless shuttled by active transport.[
Other research has demonstrated how metastases to the brain hijack the normal brain parenchyma rather than rebuild their native tissue microenvironment. For example, recent data implicates astrocytes as critical protectors of the tumor cell. In an elegant experiment, Lin et al. showed that through physical contact via their podia, astrocytes can protect tumor cells from 5-fluorouracil and cisplatinum-induced apoptosis.[
Among the reasons for treatment failure in cancer therapy, some of the most compelling include the inability of current therapies to target the seed cells or cancer initiating cells that renew a neoplastic population after the sensitive population has been treated with either surgery or chemoradiation.[
A peculiarity with the seed and soil hypothesis involves the strikingly different behaviors of certain cancers and their seeds with the same soil. For example, breast adenocarcinoma and small cell carcinoma of the lung are well-known to metastasize to brain. However, breast metastases may be detected years after remission of primary disease while lung metastases typically appear in close proximity to the initial diagnosis of the primary lesion.[
Additionally, are cancer stem cells really just manifestations of an active EMT program? Do these seeds ultimately revert to their primary tumor phenotype via MET or are these cells in a state of perpetual EMT/MET equilibrium where the balance is determined by externalities such as the soil? Relatedly, will therapies that target this embryologic program prove fruitful in cancer therapy?
Finally, as discussed earlier, the blood–brain barrier is not intact, particularly in large tumors, though the degree of leakiness is variable. As such, why are chemotherapies ineffective if drug can cross into the tumor? Is it because of inadequate drug levels or because of protective perivascular niches that isolate cancer stem cells from potentially toxic substances?
As previously recognized by others in the modern era,[
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