- Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Correspondence Address:
Claudio Yampolsky
Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Copyright: © 2012 Yampolsky C. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.How to cite this article: Yampolsky C, Hem S, Damián Bendersky. Dorsal column stimulator applications. Surg Neurol Int 31-Oct-2012;3:
How to cite this URL: Yampolsky C, Hem S, Damián Bendersky. Dorsal column stimulator applications. Surg Neurol Int 31-Oct-2012;3:. Available from: http://sni.wpengine.com/surgicalint_articles/dorsal-column-stimulator-applications/
Background:Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has been used to treat neuropathic pain since 1967. Following that, technological progress, among other advances, helped SCS become an effective tool to reduce pain.
Methods:This article is a non-systematic review of the mechanism of action, indications, results, programming parameters, complications, and cost-effectiveness of SCS.
Results:In spite of the existence of several studies that try to prove the mechanism of action of SCS, it still remains unknown. The mechanism of action of SCS would be based on the antidromic activation of the dorsal column fibers, which activate the inhibitory interneurons within the dorsal horn. At present, the indications of SCS are being revised constantly, while new applications are being proposed and researched worldwide. Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is the most common indication for SCS, whereas, the complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is the second one. Also, this technique is useful in patients with refractory angina and critical limb ischemia, in whom surgical or endovascular treatment cannot be performed. Further indications may be phantom limb pain, chronic intractable pain located in the head, face, neck, or upper extremities, spinal lumbar stenosis in patients who are not surgical candidates, and others.
Conclusion:Spinal cord stimulation is a useful tool for neuromodulation, if an accurate patient selection is carried out prior, which should include a trial period. Undoubtedly, this proper selection and a better knowledge of its underlying mechanisms of action, will allow this cutting edge technique to be more acceptable among pain physicians.
Keywords: Failed back surgery syndrome, indications, neuromodulation, review, spinal cord stimulation
Neuromodulation is defined as the application of either an electric current or pharmacological agents used to change the neuron membrane permeability to ions, leading to an increase or decrease in its threshold for action potentials. The International Neuromodulation Society established that: Neuromodulation is defined as, “the therapeutic alteration of activity in the central, peripheral or autonomic nervous systems, electrically or pharmacologically, by means of implanted devices”. The term neuromodulation is preferred over the term stimulation, as the former includes the excitation and inhibition techniques in a clearer fashion. Low frequency electrical stimulation has an excitatory effect, whereas, high frequency stimulation is applied to produce neuronal inhibition. At present, neuromodulation is used for several neurological conditions such as epilepsy, movement disorders, psychiatric disease, spasticity and pain. With regard to pain treatment, low frequency is applied to activate dorsal spinal tracts, periaqueductal gray matter, and motor cortex, while inhibitory stimulation is utilized for peripheral nerve, thalamic, and hypothalamic modulation. Spinal cord stimulation is a technique of neuromodulation, which consists of placing leads in the epidural space of the spinal cord, as a method to treat numerous types of disturbances. Due to its reversibility and safety, neuromodulative approaches are preferred over neuroablative procedures, which have been more commonly performed in the previous era. [
Electricity has been used in medicine since almost two thousand years ago. According to historical records, the first time electricity was used in medicine was in the time of the Roman Empire, where the torpedo fish was used to treat headaches and painful gout. In the eighteenth century, the use of electrical current for treating pain was widespread and indiscriminate. Both the poor results and frequent accidents led to the prohibition of the technique. [
Technological progress, a better knowledge of its mechanism of action, and careful patient selection, among other advances, helped SCS become an effective tool to reduce pain. In the early years, leads were placed in the subarachnoid space through a laminectomy, but later, electrodes were implanted in the epidural space to avoid some complications such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage and arachnoiditis. More recently, the percutaneuos technique was introduced. It allowed a trial stimulation with an external pulse generator, to assess if SCS was beneficial for the patient before the permanent implant, which was much more expensive. This trial was probably useful to improve the outcome of SCS, because it allowed for more accurate patient selection. Thus, this trial improved the cost-effectiveness, as 17 - 20% of the patients failed the trial stimulation and only the ones who exhibited a good response would undergo implantation of the permanent device.
Nowadays, there are two types of electrodes available: Cylindrically shaped percutaneous electrodes and paddle-type surgical ones. The former are placed with a less invasive technique and are widely preferred now, whereas, the latter one requires a laminectomy, but it has less likelihood of migration. However, it is possible to introduce a paddle-type one by using a tubular retractor system under local anesthesia. [
Deafferentation pain may occur in patients with injuries in the central or peripheral nervous systems, as pain, either spontaneous or elicited by innocuous stimuli, may appear if there is a lesion anywhere in the sensory pathways. The principal mechanisms involved are: Sensitization of receptors, appearance of ectopic focus or pacemakers, and abnormal activity in the central processing units. For example, in case of a peripheral nerve injury, the neuroma formed in the proximal stump generates spontaneous action potentials that reach the posterior horn of the spinal cord. Also, the sensory ganglia cells increase their spontaneous electrical activity and undergo modifications in their nuclei, as a response to the peripheral injury. Ephaptic conduction may occur between the adjacent damaged fibers. This ectopic activity and the peripheral nerve injury itself generate functional modifications in the second order neurons in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, known as central sensitization. Hyperactivity may occur in those neurons and its receptive field might increase, allowing pain to reach areas away from those innervated by the injured nerve structures. Furthermore, there is a decrease in the segmental inhibitory mechanisms as well as an increase in membrane excitability and synaptic efficacy of the second order neurons within the dorsal horn. [
In spite of the existence of several studies that try to prove the mechanism of action of SCS, it still remains unknown. Probably, the physiological bases of pain relief are different, depending on its cause. [
The exact electrical target within the spinal cord is still unknown; however, there are several theoretical ones, such as, dorsal columns, dorsolateral funiculus, spinobulbar fibers, spinocerebellar tract, and dorsal root fibers. [
Diverse studies in humans and animals revealed that SCS produces several changes in neurotransmitter release. Spinal cord stimulation likely produces an elevation of substance P in the cerebrospinal fluid. There is an increase in the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters, such as, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and acetylcholine, whereas, there is a decrease in the liberation of excitatory ones like glutamate and aspartate. Probably, SCS may produce pain relief by restoring the normal GABA levels in the dorsal horn, and increasing the release of adenosine. In a study in animals, it was seen that the beneficial effects of SCS were abolished if an intrathecal GABA-B receptor antagonist was administered simultaneously. [
The anti-ischemic and antianginal effects of SCS seem to be due to its attenuation of the sympathetic system, stabilization of the intracardiac neuronal activity, an increase in the release of adenosine, and the peripheral release of calcitonin, a gene-related peptide that leads to vasodilatation. Nitric oxide may be involved in this latter effect too. [
Spinal cord stimulation is still an underutilized method, although several indications have been described [
First, a correct pain analysis must be undertaken, because only the neuropathic component of pain is expected to be diminished. [
A trial stimulation with a temporary electrode, which usually lasts from three days to three weeks is almost always performed on each patient, to assess the efficacy of SCS, before a permanent pulse generator is implanted. The goal of the trial is to increase the cost-effectiveness of the method and to improve patient selection. The area of pain has to be covered by paresthesia during the trial. A pain relief of at least 50%, according to the visual analog scale (VAS), and patient satisfaction, are both considered as positive responses to the trial, which confirms the indication for definitive implantation of the pulse generator. There are approximately 20% of non-responder patients in whom permanent implantation is not indicated and the electrode is removed. Although an Outpatient trial is the gold standard, in some health centers the trial is conducted intraoperatively, through external stimulation, with the patient awake, under local anesthesia. [
Several factors are suspected to be related to the SCS outcome [
Failed back surgery syndrome
Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), also known as post laminectomy pain syndrome, is defined as a persistent or recurrent pain following surgery on the lumbosacral spine. It must be known that the surgery may have been successful in correcting the underlying spine pathology, but may have failed to achieve durable pain relief. Although the common symptoms of FBSS are diffuse, dull, and/or aching pain involving the back and/or legs, it may also include sharp, burning, pricking and/or stabbing pain in the extremities. Thus, in summary, it ranges from chronic axial low back pain to radiculopathy, but it does not necessarily mean that the surgery has fully failed. The incidence of FBSS varies widely among different studies, ranging from 10 to approximately 40% of patients who have undergone spine surgery. Forty to eighty percent of the patients obtain significant pain relief following open spine surgery for single-level fusions, whereas, only 15% reach this objective when a fusion of three levels is performed. FBSS is the most common indication for SCS. [
Figure 1
A case of failed back surgery syndrome is described. (a) A patient underwent lumbar microdiscectomy because of radicular pain. A left L5-S1 herniated disk was detected in the preoperative images. (b and c) The patient continued with radicular and lumbar pain after the surgery. Although magnetic resonance imaging showed arachnoiditis surrounding the root (b), he underwent posterior lumbar instrumentation (c). (d): The second surgery did not produce pain relief. Subsequently, the patient was referred to our Neurosurgical Department. A paddle-type lead with eight contacts was placed and Spinal cord stimulation led to pain relief
There are only few randomized and controlled trials to evaluate the effectiveness of SCS in treating FBSS, while most of the studies are retrospective case series. [
North et al. conducted a prospective, randomized, and controlled trial to compare the outcome of SCS and repeated spine surgery in FBSS patients. They accepted patients with axial low back pain, but only if the intensity of this pain was equal to or less than that of their radicular pain, because they aimed to evaluate patients with the latter type of pain. It should be remembered that axial low back pain was more difficult to treat by SCS than radicular pain, as it was clearly explained in that article. A total of 50 patients were randomized to SCS or reoperation, but if the results of the randomized treatment were unsatisfactory, the patients could cross over to the alternative one; however, the crossover was an outcome measure, as were pain relief and patient satisfaction. Those patients randomized to reoperation could cross over to SCS after a six-month postoperative period. A therapeutic trial with a percutaneous electrode was carried out in patients who were to undergo SCS, before permanent implantation. Only 45 patients were available for follow-up. They concluded that SCS was more successful than reoperation (nine of 19 patients had a good outcome versus three of 26 patients, respectively; P < 0.01). One of the most important results of the study was the fact that the patients initially randomized to SCS were significantly less likely to cross over than those randomized to reoperation (five of 24 patients versus 14 of 26 patients, P = 0.02). Furthermore, those patients who were assigned to reoperation required increased opioid analgesics significantly more often than those randomized to SCS (P < 0.025), whereas, other measures of activities of daily living and work status did not differ significantly between the two groups. [
The Prospective Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial of the Effectiveness of Spinal Cord Stimulation (PROCESS) randomized 100 FBSS patients with predominant leg pain of neuropathic radicular origin, between spinal cord stimulation and conventional medical management (CMM) or CMM alone, and its results at six months showed that SCS achieved better pain relief, health-related quality of life, and functional capacity. Conventional medical management included oral medication (such as opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, and others), nerve blocks, epidural infiltration of steroids, physical and psychological rehabilitative therapy, and/or chiropractic care. In the intention-to-treat analysis at six months, 24 SCS patients (48%) and four CMM patients (9%) (P < 0.001) achieved the primary outcome, which was defined as the proportion of patients achieving 50% or more pain relief in the legs. It is essential to mention that five SCS patients crossed over to CMM, and 32 CMM patients crossed to SCS, between six and 12 months after the beginning of the treatment. [
In 1999, Krames proposed that SCS had to be a final treatment option, after all other therapies for FBSS had been exhausted. Thus, an algorithm of care, which ordered therapies by its invasiveness and costs, was recommended. Despite this, the algorithm was used for several years. If it is analyzed with the SAFE (Safety, Appropriateness, Fiscal Neutrality, and Effectiveness) principles, some changes should be done, although this issue is still controversial. They expressed that the risk of significant injury from the chronic use of opioids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or reoperation appeared to be greater than the risk of SCS. Fiscal Neutrality meant that the cost of a new therapy did not result in greater financial expenditure than the current therapy, with equivalent efficacy, during the same time period. [
Complex regional pain syndrome
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) may be divided into two types: type 1 (also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy) and type 2 (or causalgia). Both types have the same signs and symptoms, but the former does not have a nerve injury, whereas, the latter has it. About 90% of the people with CRPS have type 1. The CRPS is generally preceded by trauma or surgery, and the affected area is usually greater than the region of the original injury, as it happens in other types of neuropathic pain. Nerve conduction studies may be used to confirm or exclude peripheral neuropathic disease, thus, differentiating between the two types. The symptoms, which are increased with exertion, are a combination of continuous and excruciating pain, which is disproportionate to the trigger event, hyperalgesia, allodynia, changes in skin color and asymmetry of skin temperature due to abnormal skin blood flow, edema, sweating abnormalities like hyper-/ hypohidrosis, decreased range of motion of the affected joints, muscle weakness, tremors, involuntary movements, bradykinesia, dystonia and trophic signs, such as, abnormal hair and nail growth. [
Spinal cord stimulation may be considered for patients with CRPS, in whom conservative medical and rehabilitation therapy or sympathetic blocks have not been successful. [
Kemler et al. carried out a randomized study on patients with CRPS, to compare SCS plus physical therapy with physical therapy alone. Thirty-six patients were assigned to SCS and physical therapy, and 18 were randomized to receive physical therapy alone; however, the trial stimulation was successful only in 24 patients; so the other 12 patients did not receive implanted stimulators. In an intention-to-treat analysis at six months, the group assigned to receive SCS and physical therapy had a mean reduction of 2.4 cm according to the VAS, while there was an increase of 0.2 cm in the group assigned to physical therapy alone (P < 0.001). [
Phantom limb pain
Up to 80% of the patients, who have undergone amputation, may be affected by phantom limb pain, although the real percentage is controversial. [
There are several case series on the treatment of phantom limb pain with SCS, which have reported heterogeneous results. It could be due to the fact that some of them were from the seventies and eighties, when the hardware was less technologically advanced and some leads were not located in the epidural space. [
Peripheral vascular disease
Although critical limb ischemia should be treated with open surgery or endovascular technique, some patients cannot undergo these procedures because they are contraindicated due to comorbidities. In other cases, these techniques may be not effective to achieve complete rest-pain relief. Patients with small vessel disease, where revascularization is not possible, can be also be candidates for SCS. The main indication is severe ischemic pain at rest, without tissue involvement, which corresponds to grade 3 according to the Fontaine classification; however, patients with necrosis or gangrene (grade 4) may also benefit from this treatment. Patients who have been already revascularized and present with transcutaneous oxygen pressure > 30 mmHg, but with persistent pain and / or ulcers that do not heal, in spite of the medical treatment, may also be considered for SCS. Spinal cord stimulation is thought to produce significant long-term pain relief in these patients. Furthermore, SCS may prevent the need for amputation in patients with critical limb ischemia, as also, its usage is associated with an increase in capillary blood flow and skin temperature, and enhanced healing of skin ulcers less than 3 cm. In spite of its effects on the peripheral circulation, patients must have adequate collateral blood flow in the affected areas, in order to be considered for SCS. [
The European Peripheral Vascular Disease Outcome Study (SCS-EPOS), which is a prospective controlled multicenter study, has determined that SCS treatment of non-reconstructable critical leg ischemia provides a significantly better limb survival rate than conservative treatment. [
Angina pectoris
Spinal cord stimulation is thought to improve the New York Heart Association functional class, reduce pain, decrease nitrate requirements, improve exercise capacity, prevent hospital admissions, and improve the quality of life in patients with refractory angina. Despite its effectiveness in preventing hospital admissions, SCS does not mask serious ischemic symptoms, which may lead to silent infarction. Mannheimer et al. have determined that these anti-anginal and anti-ischemic effects seem to be due to a decrease in myocardial oxygen consumption. Spinal cord stimulation can also improve blood flow, through the creation of collateral circulation, because of the enhanced physical activity of the patients after implantation. [
The ESBY study (Electrical Stimulation versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Severe Angina Pectoris) included 104 patients with severe angina and increased surgical risk, who were randomized to coronary artery bypass grafting or spinal cord stimulation. At five years, there was no significant difference in the survival rate or quality of life between the groups. Thus, they concluded that both treatments could be considered as effective options for patients with severe angina, increased surgical risks, and those estimated to have no prognostic benefits from coronary artery bypass grafting. [
Other indications
These and many other uses of SCS are described in the literature, while new applications are being proposed and researched worldwide, positioning it as a cutting edge technique within the healthcare environment [
Cervical SCS has been hypothesized to be useful in the treatment of cerebral vasospasm after subarachnoid hemorrhage, as several experiments in animals and research in humans have demonstrated an increase in cerebral blood flow (CBF). Spinal cord stimulation works in different ways, such as, preventing vasoconstriction of the cerebral arteries by functional sympathectomy, acting at the lower cervical levels, and increasing CBF through the central pathways at the upper cervical levels. Slavin et al. carried out a prospective study in 12 aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients, who underwent implantation of an eight-contact electrode, with the aim of establishing the safety of this intervention. There were no complications related to the electrode insertion and patients were stimulated for 14 consecutive days or until discharge. [
Cervical SCS is also used for several pain conditions, such as, occipital neuralgia, Raynaud's syndrome, and chronic intractable pain located in head, face, jaw, neck, shoulder, or upper extremities. [
Post-thoracotomy pain syndrome is defined as pain that occurs or persists in the area of the thoracotomy incision for at least two months following the initial procedure, and SCS may be effective in treating this type of pain, as the neuropathic component can be predominant in these patients. [
Spinal cord stimulation could increase exercise tolerance and produce pain relief in patients with painful diabetic neuropathy. The technique should be considered in these patients when they do not respond to conventional treatment, and its effect could last for a long time. [
Some articles suggest that SCS may be useful in relieving chronic visceral abdominal pain, although the criteria for patient selection are still not clear. Spinal cord stimulation has been used to treat abdominal pain in several conditions, such as, mesenteric ischemia, chronic pancreatitis, diffuse abdominal adhesions, and chronic pelvic pain after endometriosis. [
The hardware consists of electrodes, extension wires, a pulse generator, and a programmer. The extension wires connect the leads to the pulse generator device. As mentioned earlier, two types of electrodes are currently commercially available: Cylindrically shaped percutaneous electrodes and paddle-type surgical ones. The features of each type and their differences can be seen in
Three pulse generator systems are currently available: Radiofrequency system, external pulse generator, and the a fully implantable one. The former is a telemetric system in which a receiver is implanted under the skin and the transmitter is placed externally on a belt, without using a battery. Energy is telemetrically transmitted from the outside. Fully implantable pulse generators have replaced radiofrequency receivers and external pulse generators, which have been commonly seen in the past. Nowadays, external pulse generators are used to stimulate the electrodes through a disposable lead during the trial, which lasts from three days to three weeks. Throughout the trial period, the external pulse generator can be activated or deactivated by the patient, allowing him/her to become familiar with the basic control of the amplitude and the sensation of paresthesia, which must correspond with the area of pain. Implantable ones are more comfortable for the patient, but they require additional procedures to replace the battery. Depending on its parameter configurations and its usage, most patients can expect a battery life of 2.5 to 4.5 years. Rechargeable and implantable pulse generators are commercially available, and a battery life of up to 10 years is expected. Fully implantable, multi-channel, and multi-programmable pulse generators connected to dual-lead, multi-contact electrodes are the most versatile tools for SCS today. [
The programmer is used to adjust the stimulation parameters of the pulse generator, such as, the amplitude, frequency, pulse width, and polarity. [
Spinal cord stimulation must produce an electrical field that stimulates the spinal cord structures, without stimulating the nearby nerve root. Typically, the lead is several levels above the desired area to be covered by paresthesia [
Spinal cord stimulation is a useful tool for neuromodulation, if accurate patient selection is carried out previously, which must include a trial period. Undoubtedly, this proper selection and a better knowledge of its underlying mechanisms of action, will allow this cutting edge technique to be accepted more among pain physicians.
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