- Theoretical Neuroscience Research, LLC, Ridgeland, MS, United States.
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How to cite this URL: Russell L. Blaylock. Accelerated cancer aggressiveness by viral oncomodulation: New targets and newer natural treatments for cancer control and treatment. 11-Oct-2019;10:199. Available from: http://surgicalneurologyint.com/surgicalint-articles/9697/
An infectious etiology for a number of cancers has been entertained for over 100 years and modern studies have confirmed that a number of viruses are linked to cancer induction. While a large number of viruses have been demonstrated in a number of types of cancers, most such findings have been dismissed in the past as opportunistic infections, especially with persistent viruses with high rates of infectivity of the world’s populations. More recent studies have clearly shown that while not definitely causing these cancers, these viruses appear capable of affecting the biology of these tumors in such a way as to make them more aggressive and more resistant to conventional treatments. The term oncomodulatory viruses has been used to describe this phenomenon. A number of recent studies have shown a growing number of ways these oncomodulatory viruses can alter the pathology of these tumors by affecting cell-signaling, cell metabolism, apoptosis mechanisms, cell-cell communication, inflammation, antitumor immunity suppression, and angiogenesis. We are also learning that much of the behavior of tumors depends on cancer stem cells and stromal cells within the tumor microenvironment, which participate in extensive, dynamic crosstalk known to affect tumor behavior. Cancer stem cells have been found to be particularly susceptible to infection by human cytomegalovirus. In a number of studies, it has been shown that while only a select number of cells are actually infected with the virus, numerous viral proteins are released into cancer and stromal cells in the microenvironment and these viral proteins are known to affect tumor behavior and aggressiveness.
Keywords: Cytomegalovirus, Microenvironment, Oncomodulation, Viral proteins
The cell and carcinogenic transformation
The cells in a multicellular organism possess a massive number of systems to ensure not only the survival of individual cells but also the organism as a whole [
The metabolism of the cell entails a coordinated system of nutrient breakdowns, biosynthesis of essential molecules, and selection of metabolites to be utilized on an ongoing basis.
Cells also need protection from the toxic substances in its environment and need to maintain their physical structure, metabolic functions, and other maintenance requirements as the microenvironment changes. During development, and even adult maintenance, a progenitor cell may adapt to become a skin cell, a neuron, or a bone cell or an inflammatory cell from its library of contained cell instructions.
The nucleus of the cell contains its inherited library of genetic information in its DNA template. This information is stored in the DNA in its coding and noncoding sections and in the histones around which the DNA is wrapped. Specialized proteins are constructed in the nucleus on membranes in the large nuclear organelle, the nucleolus. These proteins are constructed as directed by the information contained in the nuclear library. The biochemical reactions needed for the cell to survive are selected from information in a molecular form that comes from the cellular microenvironment. All of these processes require energy sources derived from molecular reactions primarily located in mitochondrial DNA and supplied by nutrients or even in extreme circumstances from its own molecules to survive and to function. The nuclear membrane has channels to communicate with the cytosol. That is the nuclear membrane specifically allows the transport of selected molecules in and of the nucleus, especially the mRNA or message templates from the nuclear DNA that direct the cell’s various functions in the cytoplasm as well as receiving instructional transcription molecules from sites within the cytosol. The DNA itself is dynamically influenced by epigenetic signals (developmental factors in utero and during childhood, environmental chemicals, drugs, pharmaceuticals, aging, diet, and other environmental influences.) that can rapidly alter the instructions being given the cell [
The cytoplasm, or cytosol, contains water, amino acids, and organelles for the construction of proteins, which come from information derived from the nucleus. These proteins are made on short templates that come from the nucleus as mRNA protein molecules and attach to cytoplasmic membranes on the ribosomes located on the Golgi apparatus. In the cytosol, glucose, and other energy molecules are broken down or catabolized to supply energy to operate these and other metabolic processes.
The mitochondria, which contain their own genetic information, provide a major source of energy from metabolites, like pyruvate, which is formed during the process of glycolysis in the cytoplasm. Pyruvate and other metabolites enter the mitochondrion and are broken down and enter the mitochondrial tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle to produce high yields of energy molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). These energy molecules drive all the energy-demanding biochemical reactions, many membrane transporters, and other such functions taking place in the cell. Much of the cell’s protection is energy dependent.
Cell-signaling pathways consist of a complex series of interacting molecules within the cytoplasm and are activated by molecules from various extracellular and membrane receptors stimulated and influenced by both extracellular and intracellular signals. These extracellular activating molecules drive the cell to respond by affecting cell signaling pathways and influencing metabolism. Some signaling pathways are designed to trigger cell death (apoptosis) and others can stimulate the cells to survive, grow, and proliferate. It has been generally held that mutations in the nuclear DNA drive the cell to become a cancer cell. However, this long-held concept is now being challenged. As a result, a major change in our thinking about the origins and treatment of cancer is occurring.
Compelling evidence from multiple lines of the study suggests that most cancers are either the result of chronic inflammation or made more aggressive and deadlier as a result of prolonged and/or intense inflammation.[
Is cancer a genetic and/or a metabolic disorder?
Mechanisms linking inflammation with all stages of cancer development have been elucidated in a number of recent studies.[
Among his many studies, Seyfried has shown that cells, on malignant transformation, rapidly undergo radical changes in metabolism that favor both (a) an elevation in energy supplies and how this energy is generated and (b) rerouting of metabolism for biosynthesis of macromolecules needed for cell reproduction. To accomplish these changes requires major metabolic shifts commandeering cystolic and mitochondrial processes linked to metabolism, principally by switching metabolism to (i) favor glycolysis that takes place not only in the cytoplasm but also in the mitochondria and a (ii) redirecting the TCA cycle in the mitochondria for biosynthesis of macromolecules, production of nucleotides, and supplying substrates for membrane lipids and TCA cycle intermediates, in addition to making the general fuel source of metabolism, molecular ATP [
Figure 3:
Cancer Cell Metabolism involving its two major fuels, glucose and glutamine. Demonstrates role of c-MYC in induction of glutamine addiction. Myc consist of a family of regulator genes (proto-oncogenes) coding for transcription factors. The Myc family consists of c-myc, l-myc and n-myc. Also demonstrates the influence of growth factors on cancer cell-signaling.
The cancer process is also dependent on suppressing apoptosis (programmed cell death), inhibiting tumor suppressor mechanisms (p53, p21, and PTEN), and stimulating cell growth factors (Bcl-2, platelet-derived growth factors [PDGFs], basic fibroblastic growth factor, etc.) from the mitochondria [
One of the unanswered questions is - How would a cancer cell, by random mutations, know which oncogenes were essential for its survival, eventual invasion of surrounding tissues, massive proliferation of cells, activation of a complex process, and finely tuned processes, such as the angiogenesis programs, and, in an exacting way, create metabolic alterations favorable to its growth and spread? Random mutations caused from damage by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, one would think, would activate genes that were not only favorable to tumor growth but also equally be unfavorable, being that reactive oxygen and nitrogen genetic injury would be rather haphazard.
The actual conversion of a precancer cell into a fully cancerous cell appears to involve a series of steps that must be rather exacting so as to turn on cell survival mechanisms and suppress programmed cell death mechanisms. This not only entails cell-signaling pathways but also alterations in metabolism, which appear to be quite dynamic as cancer progresses.
There are some 1400 human pathogens that include 220 viruses. It is recognized that a variety of infectious agents can contribute to the carcinogenic process.[
Of greatest concern regarding cancer are those viruses that show persistence following acute infection. The most common persistent human pathogens include the herpes group of viruses, which include herpes simplex 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), herpesvirus-6, and herpesvirus-7. In the past, researchers referred to viruses linked to cancer causation as being oncogenic viruses. These viruses become oncogenic by a number of mechanisms, including induction of chronic inflammation, insertion of specific viral genes into the cell’s genome, inducing overexpression of carcinogenic cell signaling pathways, and altering cell metabolism.[
Until rather recently, viruses were classified as being capable of oncogenic transformation by the fact that they inserted their oncogenic genetic structure into the cells’ genome.[
What is oncomodulation?
Oncomodulation involves the production of a number of protein viral products in the cell’s cytoplasm that promote tumor cell invasion, proliferation, angiogenesis, immune suppression, altered expression of cell-signaling pathways, inhibition of apoptotic mechanisms, and suppression of tumor inhibitors, such as PTEN, pRb, p53, and p21.[
Armed with this information, it becomes obvious that all of these processes are fine-tuned to promote survival of the cancer cells against the cell’s and body’s defense mechanisms. One must ask how could cancer cells know exactly what cell mechanisms and cell signaling pathways would be needed to accomplish these goals and how to fine-tune them. The likelihood of this occurring by a totally random process of DNA damage initiated by a storm of reactive oxygen and nitrogen products, as stated, seems illogical. Yet, viruses are programmed to carry out a very similar series of processes within infected cells to ensure not only viral reproduction but also prolonged survival in a latent state.
The real debate is now between the idea that cancerous cells are merely favorable niches for these viruses or whether these viruses can actually induce cancer and then control its behavior. Compelling evidence suggests that oncomodulatory viruses can control the behavior of transformed cells and some evidence strongly suggests that certain viral proteins can induce cancerous transformation.[
Rather than discuss a number of persistent viruses linked to oncomodulation, I will focus on two of the most likely candidates, mostly human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and less so herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Other oncomodulatory viruses include SV-40, human adenovirus and human papillomavirus type 16 and 18.[
Viral mechanisms in cancer cell development
Making a link between viral infections and cancer transformation of normal cells demands some rather strict criteria as well as methodology and technology that was not available until relatively recently. In 2002, Cobbs et al. reported the presence of HCMV protein and nucleic acids in virtually all glioblastomas (GBM) they examined but not in normal brain tissue.[
Viruses (HCMV) can induce altered metabolism in stem cells
It was assumed in earlier studies, and some later studies, that for the virus to play a role, it must infect most of the tumor cells. Ranganathan et al. found in their frozen specimen studies of GBM that most of the tumor cells were not infected with the virus, rather only a select number of cells were actually infected, with other cells containing viral proteins known to affect tumor behavior.[
Mutated HCMV causing induction of cells to become tumors
Some have suggested that it is mutated HCMV viruses that are responsible for these findings of enhanced tumor aggressiveness. Dolan et al., for example, found that mutant forms of HCMV grew slowly in tissues, a requirement for oncomodulation.[
The latent virus may be inactive only in so far as viral reproduction and not production of the oncomodulatory proteins.[
Chronic inflammation and HCMV infection
Chronic inflammation is now considered not only a major trigger for oncogenic transformation but also drives cancer at all stages of development.[
The tumor microenvironment consists of over 50% nontumor stromal cells, which include an assortment of immune cells (tumor-associated macrophages [TAMs], dendritic cells, tumor-associated neutrophils, NK and NKT cells, B lymphocytes, and T-lymphocytes), cancer fibroblast, adipocytes, vascular endothelial cells, pericytes, and lymphatic endothelial cells.[
Cytokine interleukin (IL)-6 and activation of HCMV
Inflammation is also known to activate HCMV, and the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 (from monocyte and macrophages) appears to play a particularly important role in its activation from a latent stage.[
High levels of IL-6 have been associated with a poor prognosis in several types of cancer [
Figure 5:
Activation of COX-2 leading to generation of prostaglandins (PGE2) and subsequent enhancement of inflammation. Tumor cell proliferation, angiogenesis and suppression of anti-tumor immune activity are enhanced in the face of tumor microenvironment inflammation. The central role played by NFκB, found in all cells, is demonstrated. Activation of this factor occurs in the stromal cells, tumor cells and invading immune cells within the tumor microenvironment. PGE2 activation of JAK2/STAT3 acting on genes controlling tumor invasion/migration, cell proliferation, angiogenesis and initiating immune suppression is demonstrated.
Chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and other carcinogens in the activation of HCMV through Inflammation
It has also been shown that chemotherapy and radiotherapy can activate HCMV, which could lead to more aggressive cancers following treatment failures.[
Furthermore, of interest is the finding that the viral load of HCMV correlated with survival in glioblastoma patients. In one such study, those with low levels of the virus lived twice as long as those with the highest titers.[
In one study, nearly 80% of glioblastoma patients were found to have HCMV DNA detected in their peripheral blood, which was assumed to be from shedding of the virus by the tumor.[
Another interesting link to cancer behavior is the finding that NFκB differentially regulates the oncogene promoter c-Myc.[
The role of chronic inflammation, HCMV, and cancer cell induction
Within the brain, HCMV infection is associated with microglial activation and migration of activated macrophages to the infected brain.[
It has been hypothesized that mutations in preneoplastic cellular tumor suppressor proteins, such as PTEN, p53, and p21, and fluctuations in the cellular microRNA profile could explain why to develop malignancies, but the most important link is to HCMV-infected stem cells.[
HCMV virus has been shown to inhibit differentiation of stem cells into neurons but not astrocytes.[
Both BMX kinase and IL-6 drive and maintain GSCs.[
Because stem cells play such a key role in the generation of cancerous tumors, as well as their maintenance and migration, the finding that HCMV preferentially infects these cells and could activate virtually all of the essential cancer cell-signaling pathways and induce critical metabolic changes within cancer stem-like cells, explains why infections of all of the cells of a tumor is not necessary for oncomodulation.
Cytomegalovirus and tumor-induced immune evasion
One of the early events in tumor development is suppression of antitumor immunity.[
Tumor microenvironment and immune cells suppressing antitumor activity
It has been observed that the tumor microenvironment generates factors that suppress antitumor immunity early in the course of the carcinogenic transition. This involves not only cancer cells but also surrounding stromal cells, which are induced by the tumor cells to release immune evading and suppressing mediators. These immune-suppressing mediators include PGE2, anti-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and COX-2. PGE2 interacts with nontumor cells in the tumor microenvironment, which stimulates inflammation but also suppresses antitumor immunity.[
Role of inflammation in the growth of tumors; COX-2 is a tumor growth factor and NASIDs inhibit of COX-2
It has been established that an inflammatory tumor microenvironment is crucial for sustained tumor cell proliferation, immune evasion, suppression of apoptosis mechanisms, angiogenesis, tumor invasion, and tumor cell migration. Tumor cell-induced COX-2 within the tumor microenvironment activates PGE2, which also promotes tumor growth by stimulating inflammation-driven stem cell signaling pathways essential for tumor behavior.[
Interestingly, combining antiviral drugs with COX-2 inhibitors significantly inhibited tumor growth in mice engrafted with human medulloblastoma tumors, more so than when the antiviral was used alone [
HCMV generated proteins that are immune suppressant and tumor stimulating
It has been shown that HCMV generates a number of special proteins in the tumor cell such as US28, which can bind different chemokines external to the tumor cell in its environment such as CCL2, CCL5, and CX3CL1 and thus suppressing antitumor immunity.[
HCMV US28 viral proteins have also been shown to upregulate high levels of COX-2 in HCMV infected cells.[
Studies have shown that HCMV protein expression has been detected in infiltrating inflammatory cells within the tumor microenvironment in human breast and colon cancers.[
Immune cells using IL10 cytokine and other factors to delay immune activation against the tumor; Also by HCMV
One of the more prominent immune inhibitors generated by human immune cells is IL-10, a T-helper (Th)-2 cytokine. Some pathogens use IL-10 to delay immune activation so as to establish infection.[
Through a complex interaction between tumor cells and TAMs (immunosuppressive macrophages/microglia), HCMV infections appear to impair tumor antigen presentation by dendritic cells within the tumor microenvironment.[
It is evident that HCMV controls a number of tumor cell and stromal cell mechanisms within the tumor microenvironment that can prevent antitumor immunity from functioning.
STATs stimulate inflammatory response and direct antiimmune environment around the tumor
STAT family of proteins, within immune cells and tumor cells within the microenvironment, consists of seven members, STAT 1-6 and closely related STAT5A and STAT5B, which control specific biological responses [
Both NFκB and STAT3 are persistently activated in cancer cells, where they function as nuclear transcription factors required for activation of genes involved in tumor proliferation, survival, angiogenesis, immune evasion, and tumor invasion.[
STAT3 is also involved in suppressing innate antitumor immunity by promoting the conversion of antitumor macrophages into immune-suppressing TAMs and by stimulating the migration of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) to the tumor microenvironment.[
Crosstalk intercellular communication between tumor cells in the tumor microenvironment inhibiting antitumor immunity
The persistent activation of STAT3 within tumor cells crosstalks with surrounding immune cells within the tumor stroma and microenvironment to inhibit antitumor immunity.[
Activation of STAT 3 signaling by other viruses and other agents
A number of tumor viruses can activate the STAT3 pathway, including HCMV, EBV, HPV, HTLV virus, and hepatitis B virus [
How STATs influence gene regulation and apoptosis, leading to suppression of the immune response to tumors and to Stimulation of tumor cell growth and invasion mechanisms
Closely linked and critical to STAT3 pathway activation is the cytokine IL-6, downstream from NFκB.[
A number of inflammatory cytokines can activate STAT3 through NFκB/IL-6 signaling, including IL-17, IL-21, and IL- 23.[
NFκB has a dual role in cancer, acting either an anticancer pathway or procancer pathway by regulating different sets of genes.[
The procarcinogenic factor RELA is persistently activated in tumor cells and tumor-associated immune cells and requires continuous activation of STAT3.[
By activating STAT3, HCMV viruses affect a number of cancer processes including proliferation, invasion, migration, angiogenesis, and inhibition of apoptosis. Virtually, all of the alterations we see regarding immune evasion by cancers can be initiated by HCMV infections.
Cancer cells universally inhibit apoptosis by a number of mechanisms. Virtually every mechanism used to inhibit apoptosis can also be utilized by HCMV viruses, to not only suppress apoptosis but also to inhibit other tumor cell survival mechanisms. For example, in myeloma cells, IL-6 drives JAK-STAT3 pathway activation, which upregulates antiapoptotic genes [
As pointed out by Williams and Colberg-Poley, viruses may encode death receptor decoys, regulate endogenous death receptor expression, direct caspase inhibitors, modulate Bcl- 2 family of proteins, or express their own viral homologous cellular Bcl-2 protein family members, to evade apoptosis.[
The major antiapoptotic members include Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL. It has been shown that HCMV-infected neuroblastoma cells were significantly less sensitive to cytotoxic anticancer drugs, such as cisplatin and etoposide, than noninfected cells.[
Other mechanisms responsible for evading cell death, such as enhancement of telomerase and a shift in error- prone DNA repair, are also playing a role in viral evasion of tumor cell apoptosis. It has been shown that HCMV induces constitutive activation of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) in malignant glioma cells lines and most malignancies.[
Viral gene IE1 was also found to inactivate p53 and Rb tumor suppressors, while at the same time upregulating the activity of the procancer cell signaling pathway PI3-K/AKT, which enhances tumor cell survival.[
Activation of the PI3K/Akt cell signaling pathway is also important for inhibition of apoptosis in tumor cells, primarily by inhibiting the apoptosis factor BAD and restoring the antiapoptotic factors bcl-XL and bcl-2.[
Angiogenesis begins very early in tumor growth.[
Viral oncoproteins from several types of viruses have also been shown to stimulate the production of several angiogenic factors, including VEGF and FGF-BP, by stimulating their gene promoters in the nucleus.[
HCMV infections are characterized by a widespread presence of viruses in the vessel walls of major arteries throughout the body.[
Change from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis in tumor cell metabolism (Warburg effect) and the role of HCMV
Cancer cell metabolism plays a critical role in cancer cell behavior. These metabolic pathways offer a valuable target for treating and possibly curing many of the more aggressive cancers. One of the characteristics of cancer cells is a radical shift in metabolism that occurs quite early in the carcinogenic process.[
In the 1920s, Otto Warburg hypothesized that mitochondrial dysfunction was the cause of most cancers and that cancer cells switched from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis during malignant transformation of cells.[
One of the early events in malignant cell transformation is the dramatic increase in glucose uptake. This is accomplished in malignant cells by an increase in glucose transporters, GLUT1, and GLUT3, with higher levels of activation being associated with a poor prognosis.[
Rapidly proliferating cells have a need for accelerated macromolecule biosynthesis, such as amino acids, nucleotides, and lipids. This need is met by reducing mitochondrial respiration, which allows accumulation of intermediate precursors from glycolysis, which are then used for such synthesis, mainly through the pentose phosphate pathway [
Figure 8:
Warburg effect, altering cellular metabolism to maximize use of glycolysis and Kreb’s cycle intermediates for biosynthesis of lipids, proteins and nucleotides for viral and cancer cell reproduction. Demonstrating glutaminolysis pathway for converting glutamine to glutamate and then to alpha-ketogluterate within Kreb’s cycle, used for biosynthesis of substrates.
Interestingly, HCMV has been shown to also reprogram infected cells toward a Warburg-like metabolism [
HCMV-infected cells also require an increased supply of glucose. By switching GLUT1 to GLUT4, the virus allows glucose to be transported at a rate threefold higher than can be attained by GLUT1.[
The efflux of glucose carbons from TCA cycle forms citrate, which supports fatty acid synthesis in a similar way to tumor cells.[
Glutaminolysis as a source of energy production
Glutamine stimulates a further accumulation of lactate (through malate formation), which increases glycolysis and NADPH generation, and this buffers oxidative stress within the cells, thus protecting the virus and the tumor cell.[
It is assumed by many researchers that the beneficial effect of glutamine metabolism for the tumor cells rests on supplying TCA cycle intermediates for biosynthesis of metabolic products, generation of glutathione and generation of NADPH required to keep glutathione in a reduced state.[
Glutamate, glutamate receptors, and tumor behavior
Circulating levels of glutamate are elevated in breast and prostate cancer patients (as well as a number of other tumor types) and high levels signify a poor prognosis.[
Further, they demonstrated that glucose depletion had no effect on invasiveness, but depletion of glutamine significantly reduced invadopodia protrusions and length. Adding glutamate to the medium restored invasive protrusions. That glutamate receptors on the invadopodia were involved in tumor invasion was demonstrated by the finding that inhibiting Group II metabotropic glutamate receptors also inhibited invasive protrusions on tumor cells. Antagonizing Groups I and II metabotropic glutamate receptors had no effect on invasiveness. Using a metabotropic glutamate receptor Group II agonist (LY40) promoted invasiveness.
Transmembrane release of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) plays a major role in proteolytic invasion of the surrounding matrix by cancer cells. In cancer cells, MMPs becomes concentrated within the invadopodial structure.[
Tumor cells are not the only source of high levels of glutamate, as stromal fibroblast within the tumor microenvironment can also release very high levels of glutamate.[
Glutamate receptors and tumor invasiveness
Ye et al. demonstrated that high-grade pediatric gliomas released high levels of glutamate that enhanced tumor invasiveness by a process of excitotoxicity at the leading edge of the tumor.[
How the NMDA receptor antagonists are inhibiting tumor proliferation and migration is not specifically known but it may be through inhibiting ERK1/2 and CREB phosphorylation, cell signaling pathways that regulate cell proliferation.[
Failure of glutamate clearance from the tumor microenvironment
Interestingly, it has been found that glioma cell lines isolated from patient’s malignant gliomas lack the glutamate transport protein EAAT-2 (GLT-1), which is the main glutamate clearing protein in the brain.[
Calcium and tumor growth
It is known that calcium oscillations play a critical role in tumor invasion and tumor cell migration (metastasis).[
One of the important links to viral infections and other inflammatory conditions to the aggressive behavior of cancer is that inflammation increases trafficking of GluR2-lacking AMPA receptors (calcium permeable AMPA receptors) [
Of great interest is the finding that even a single viral protein, such as US28, when injected in an experimental animal can result in tumor development.[
No real effort is being made to remove these viral fragments and proteins from vaccines. With millions of people being vaccinated with these contaminated vaccines, a real and present danger of disease induction exists, including induction of cancers. Even with nononcogenic viruses, the oncomodulatory effects would have the potential to make many cancers much more aggressive and therefore deadly.
Little comfort comes from claims of no evidence of human disease from these vaccine contaminants, as most studies are not long term. If we use HCMV as a prototype, with a large percentage of people in the world carrying the virus, while it is not associated with causing cancer, as this paper shows, it has major oncomodulatory effects on established cancers.
It has been shown that several naturally occurring compounds, such as curcumin, quercetin, baicalin, luteolin, and resveratrol can suppress replication of a number of viruses both in vitro and in vivo.[
Grape seed proanthocyanadins extract has been shown to reduce calcium entry associated with calcium-permeable AMPA receptors, which during states of inflammation constitute a major source of intracellular calcium and calcium oscillations.[
The new finding that certain viruses, while not definitely transforming normal cells into tumor cells, can have dramatic effects on their behavior at all levels of the carcinogenic process. By an oncomodulatory series of mechanisms, viruses can make several cancers more aggressive and more likely to metastasize. The HCMV produces over 200 proteins, only a few of which have to do with viral replication - most being involved in altering host cell behavior.[
Unfortunately, despite the clear demonstration of oncomodulation by this virus and others, viral testing is not routine for cancer patients. Of even more concern, is the fact that utilizing antiviral treatments along with traditional treatments is not routine, but in my opinion, should be. A number of cited studies have shown that such combinations can significantly improve long-term survival, even for some of the more aggressive cancers, such as glioblastoma, inflammatory breast cancer, and medulloblastoma.
It appears reasonable, based on the literature, to test all cancer patients for the presence of HCMV, EBV, and HSV-1 and 2, and if found to be infected, these patients should undergo antiviral treatments - either natural or pharmaceutical.
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Dr. Miguel A. Faria
Posted October 16, 2019, 2:38 pm
Excellent paper that corroborates with laboratory data what had been observed in clinical medicine. Another great contribution of Dr. Russell L. Blaylock to the progress of clinical medicine as well as scientific oncological research!