- Division of Neurosurgery, Rochester Regional Health System, Rochester, New York, USA
- Division of Glial Disease and Therapeutics, Center for Translational Neuromedicine, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York, USA
- Department of Neurosurgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York, USA
- Division of Neurological Surgery, St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
- Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York, USA
- Department of Anesthesiology and Peri-operative Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA
- Department of Neurosurgery, Baylor Scott and White Health System, Temple, Texas, USA
Correspondence Address:
Anthony L. Petraglia
Division of Glial Disease and Therapeutics, Center for Translational Neuromedicine, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York, USA
Copyright: © 2014 Petraglia AL. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.How to cite this article: Petraglia AL, Plog BA, Dayawansa S, Dashnaw ML, Czerniecka K, Walker CT, Chen M, Hyrien O, Iliff JJ, Deane R, Huang JH, Nedergaard M. The pathophysiology underlying repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in a novel mouse model of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Surg Neurol Int 23-Dec-2014;5:184
How to cite this URL: Petraglia AL, Plog BA, Dayawansa S, Dashnaw ML, Czerniecka K, Walker CT, Chen M, Hyrien O, Iliff JJ, Deane R, Huang JH, Nedergaard M. The pathophysiology underlying repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in a novel mouse model of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Surg Neurol Int 23-Dec-2014;5:184. Available from: http://sni.wpengine.com/surgicalint_articles/the-pathophysiology-underlying-repetitive-mild-traumatic-brain-injury-in-a-novel-mouse-model-of-chronic-traumatic-encephalopathy/
Background:An animal model of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is essential for further understanding the pathophysiological link between repetitive head injury and the development of chronic neurodegenerative disease. We previously described a model of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in mice that encapsulates the neurobehavioral spectrum characteristic of patients with CTE. We aimed to study the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this animal model.
Methods:Our previously described model allows for controlled, closed head impacts to unanesthetized mice. Briefly, 12-week-old mice were divided into three groups: Control, single, and repetitive mTBI. Repetitive mTBI mice received six concussive impacts daily, for 7 days. Mice were then subsequently sacrificed for macro- and micro-histopathologic analysis at 7 days, 1 month, and 6 months after the last TBI received. Brain sections were immunostained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) for astrocytes, CD68 for activated microglia, and AT8 for phosphorylated tau protein.
Results:Brains from single and repetitive mTBI mice lacked macroscopic tissue damage at all time-points. Single mTBI resulted in an acute rea ctive astrocytosis at 7 days and increased phospho-tau immunoreactivity that was present acutely and at 1 month, but was not persistent at 6 months. Repetitive mTBI resulted in a more marked neuroinflammatory response, with persistent and widespread astrogliosis and microglial activation, as well as significantly elevated phospho-tau immunoreactivity to 6-months.
Conclusions:The neuropathological findings in this new model of repetitive mTBI resemble some of the histopathological hallmarks of CTE, including increased astrogliosis, microglial activation, and hyperphosphorylated tau protein accumulation.
Keywords: Animal model, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, concussion, pathophysiology, repetitive
Concussive head injuries have become a silent epidemic of increasing importance, with millions of sports- and recreation-related concussions occurring each year.[
Most of our knowledge regarding this disease has come from post-mortem analyses and retrospective, demographic data. The precise incidence and prevalence of CTE is unknown and difficult to glean from sporadic case series. The risk factors for the development of CTE are not clear; however, the phenomenon seems to be caused by episodic and repetitive blunt force impacts to the head and transfer of acceleration–deceleration forces to the brain. Clinically, the disease presents as a composite syndrome of mood disorders, neuropsychiatric disturbance, and cognitive impairment.[
The underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in CTE have yet to be clearly elucidated. Some authors have cited a lack of prospective clinical evidence in associating repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) with CTE.[
Animal care and maintenance
All animals used in this study were treated in accordance with the National Institutes of Health Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and all procedures were performed under approval of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Rochester. Adult male, C57BL/6J mice (Jackson Laboratories, Bar Harbor, ME) were purchased and housed with five mice per cage under standard laboratory conditions (automatically controlled temperature, humidity, ventilation, and 12 h light/dark cycle) with unlimited access to food and water throughout the study. Mice were allowed to adapt to the vivarium for at least 1 week prior to the experimental procedures. Following the injury, animals were returned to their home cages.
Mouse controlled, closed head, acceleration–deceleration model of injury
At 12 weeks of age, mice undergoing injury were subjected to mTBI, as described previously.[
A controlled cortical impact (CCI) device (Pittsburgh Precision Instruments, Pittsburgh, PA) was used as previously described to deliver the head impacts.[
Immunohistochemistry: Sample preparation
Age-matched controls and mice at 7 days, 1 month, or 6 months following single or repetitive mTBI underwent transcardial perfusion with ice-cold heparinized 0.01 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.4, Sigma-Aldrich), followed by fixation with 4% para-formaldehyde (PFA) (Sigma-Aldrich) in PBS. Cerebral tissue from all animals was dissected from the calvarium and post-fixed in 4% PFA for 24 h. Following fixation, the cerebral tissue underwent graduated dehydration first in 15% and then in 30% sucrose (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) for 24 h each. Dehydrated tissue was placed in optimal cutting temperature (OCT) compound (Tissue-Tek) and was sliced on a calibrated cryostat (Leica CM1900) into 30 μm coronal sections. Tissue sections were then floated in PBS. Four mice were included in each of the above groups. For each mouse, four representative coronal sections were selected for staining by collecting a single section every 900 μm along a rostral–caudal axis beginning 1.1 mm anterior to and ending 2.5 mm posterior to bregma.
Immunohistochemistry: Staining protocol
The primary antibodies used included rabbit anti-mouse glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) polyclonal IgG (AB5804, Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA), mouse anti-human phospho-PHF-tau (pTau) monoclonal IgG (AT8, specific for pSer202/pThr205 tau phosphorylation sites) (MN1020, Thermo Scientific, Rochester, Illinois, USA), and rat anti-mouse CD68 (macrosialin) (MCA1957, Serotec, Raleigh, NC, USA) diluted to 1:1000, 1:100, and 1:250, respectively. The secondary antibodies used were all diluted to 1:250 and included donkey anti-rabbit Cy2 conjugated IgG (711-225-152, Jackson ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA, USA), donkey anti-mouse Cy3 conjugated IgG (715-165-150, Jackson ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA, USA), and donkey anti-rat DyLight488 conjugated IgG (712-485-150, Jackson ImmunoResearch, West Grove, PA, USA). All sections were blocked with 0.5% Triton X-100 (Acros Organics, Morris Plains, NJ, USA) in 0.01 M PBS (pH 7.4, Sigma-Aldrich) and 7% normal donkey serum [NDS] (017-000-121, Jackson ImmunoResearch). Primary and secondary agents were diluted in 0.1% Triton X-100/PBS and 1% normal donkey serum [NDS]. Secondary antibodies alone served as negative controls [
Imaging protocol
Antibodies were detected at the appropriate wavelength at a magnification of 40× on confocal microscopy (Olympus IX 81, Fluoview v. 4.3), using a standard laser power, image photomultiplier tube (PMT), and gain. In each of the four coronal sections collected from each brain, one image each at a uniform depth of one high-powered field (1 high-powered field = 1024 pixels = 317 μm) from the surface of the dorsal, dorsolateral, and ventral cortex, as well as one CA1, CA3, dentate gyrus, and amygdala image were obtained in each cerebral hemisphere. The dorsal, dorsolateral, and ventral cortical images were each acquired at a distance of one (317 μm), four (1268 μm), and seven (2219 μm) high-powered fields lateral of the midline, respectively. All images were acquired at a resolution of 1024 × 1024 pixels. All image acquisitions were performed blinded to the experimental group.
Image quantification
All image analyses were performed blinded to the experimental group. ImageJ software (
Statistical analysis
All statistical analyses were performed using SAS statistical software version 9.3. All tests were two-sided and conducted at 5% significance level. Continuous variables were summarized using sample means. All data are presented as means ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Ipsilateral and contralateral sides were compared to the corresponding sides between groups [i.e. repetitive ipsilateral vs. single ipsilateral vs. control ipsilateral (left side)]. Normalized GFAP, pTau, and CD68 immunoreactive areas were evaluated with thresholded pixel areas analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) including injury group (control, single hit, and repeated hits) as the factor. Post-hoc analyses based on Tukey's method to adjust for multiple comparisons were conducted to compare pairs of injury groups.
Gross examination of the brains in the single and repetitive mTBI groups did not reveal any evidence of brain atrophy, tissue loss, hemorrhage (subdural, epidural, subarachnoid), or contusion 24 h from the last impact, as well as at 7 days, 1 month, and 6 months from the injury [
Figure 1
Gross pathological examination of brains. Brains removed from those mice receiving 42 impacts over 7 days (right) demonstrated no evidence of brain atrophy, tissue loss, hemorrhage (subdural, epidural, subarachnoid), or contusion, and were indistinguishable from control brains (left), when examined at 24 h, 7 days, 1 month, and 6 months from the last impact. Representative image of the repetitive mTBI brain is at 24 h from the last impact
Repetitive mTBI results in a persistent and progressive neuroinflammatory response
Astrogliosis and increased microglial activation are characteristic of the brains in patients with CTE.[
Figure 2
Mild TBI results in a dynamic astrocytic response. Representative GFAP immunostaining for astrogliosis in the cortex, amygdala, dentate gyrus, CA1, and CA3 fields of (a–e) age-matched uninjured control, (f–j) 6-month single mild TBI, and (k–o) 6-month repetitive mild TBI mice. (p–t) Single and repetitive mild TBI mice exhibited an acute elevation in GFAP staining in the cortex and amygdala at 7 days which resolved to control levels by 1 month (Tukey). Interestingly, GFAP was significantly decreased in the hippocampus of mild TBI mice compared to controls at 1 month (Tukey). Repetitive mild TBI resulted in a second significant, diffuse astrocytic response in all regions examined at the 6-month time-point, compared to control mice (Tukey) (*P < 0.05 vs. corresponding side in control mice, #P < 0.05 vs. corresponding side in single TBI mice). Values are mean ± SEM
Figure 3
Repetitive mild TBI results in a persistent diffuse increase in activated microglia. Representative CD68 immunostaining for activated microglia in the cortex, amygdala, dentate gyrus, CA1, and CA3 fields of (a–e) age-matched uninjured control, (f–j) 6-month single mTBI, and (k–o) 6-month repetitive mTBI mice. (p–t) While mice receiving a single mTBI did not exhibit a significant elevation in activated microglia at any of the time-points, mice in the repetitive mTBI group had significantly increased microgliosis compared to single mTBI and control mice at 7 days, as well as at the 1- and 6-month time-points (Tukey) (*P < 0.05 vs. corresponding side in control mice, #P < 0.05 vs. corresponding side in single TBI mice). Values are mean ± SEM
At the 7 day time-point, we found that the effect of injury group on GFAP (reactive astrocytes) labeling was statistically significant in the cortex (ipsilateral: P <0.01, F(2,9) =8.51 and contralateral: P <0.01, F(2,9) =13.57; ANOVA) and amygdala (ipsilateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =23.2 and contralateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =19.4; ANOVA). Post-hoc analyses revealed that compared to control mice, single mTBI mice exhibited a significant increase in astrogliosis at the 7-day time-point in the contralateral cortex and bilateral amygdalae (ANOVA + Tukey) [Figure
By 1 month post-injury, the reactive astrocytosis subsided. We did find that there was a significant effect of injury on GFAP labeling in the dentate gyrus (ipsilateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) = 26.8 and contralateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) = 93; ANOVA), CA1 (ipsilateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) = 15.8 and contralateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) = 9.3; ANOVA), and CA3 (ipsilateral: P < 0.05, F(2,9) = 7 and contralateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) = 25.1; ANOVA) fields of the hippocampus. On post-hoc analyses, single mTBI mice exhibited a statistically significant decrease in astrogliosis in the bilateral dentate gyrus, ipsilateral CA1, and contralateral CA3 fields, compared to age-matched control mice (ANOVA + Tukey) [Figure
At the 6-month time-point, the effect of injury on astrogliosis was found to be significant in the cortex (ipsilateral: P <0.05, F(2,9) =6.11 and contralateral: P <0.01, F(2,9) =8.68; ANOVA), ipsilateral amygdala (P < 0.01, F(2,9) =12.73; ANOVA), dentate gyrus (ipsilateral: P <0.05, F(2,9) =5.45 and contralateral: P <0.05, F(2,9) =6.96; ANOVA), CA1 (ipsilateral: P <0.01, F(2,9) =12.8 and contralateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =26.8; ANOVA), and CA3 (ipsilateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =37.8 and contralateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =17.1; ANOVA) regions. On post-hoc analyses, the single mTBI mice exhibited a statistically significant increase in GFAP labeling in the contralateral dentate gyrus, contralateral CA1, and bilateral CA3 fields of the hippocampus, compared to age-matched control mice (ANOVA + Tukey) [Figure
Mice receiving a single mTBI did not exhibit a significant elevation in activated microglia at any of the time-points. On the contrary, the mice in the repetitive mTBI group had microglial activation that increased over time [Figure
At 1 month, the microgliosis persisted and there was a significant effect of injury in the ipsilateral cortex (P < 0.001, F(2,9) =17.6; ANOVA), ipsilateral amygdala (P < 0.001, F(2,9) =25.9; ANOVA), and dentate gyrus (ipsilateral: P <0.05, F(2,9) =7.1 and contralateral: P <0.05, F(2,9) =7.6; ANOVA). Post-hoc analyses revealed that at 1 month post-injury, repetitive mTBI mice exhibited a significant increase in microglial activation in the ipsilateral cortex and amygdala, as well as in the bilateral dentate gyri, compared to both single mTBI and control mice (ANOVA + Tukey) [Figure
At the 6-month time-point, the effect of injury on microgliosis was found to be significant in the cortex (ipsilateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) = 29.2 and contralateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) = 30.6; ANOVA), amygdala (ipsilateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) = 47 and contralateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) = 16.1; ANOVA), dentate gyrus (ipsilateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) = 9.7 and contralateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) = 9.02; ANOVA), CA1 (ipsilateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) =57.2 and contralateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =44.3; ANOVA), and CA3 (ipsilateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =33.6 and contralateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) =9.98; ANOVA) regions. On subsequent post-hoc analysis at 6 months post-injury, repetitive mTBI mice had a significant increase in microglial activation in all the regions evaluated, compared to both single mTBI and control mice (ANOVA + Tukey) [Figure
Repetitive mTBI results in a persistent increase in hyperphosphorylated tau
Phosphorylated tau is a histopathological hallmark of CTE. We explored whether repetitive mTBI would lead to increased phosphorylated tau immunoreactivity in this model at 7 days, 1 month, and 6 months following the last head impact. At 7 days post-injury, the effect of injury on phospho-tau immunoreactivity was found to be significant in the cortex (ipsilateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =16.5 and contralateral: P <0.001, F(2,9) =17.7; ANOVA), amygdala (ipsilateral: P <0.01, F(2,9) =15.7 and contralateral: P <0.05, F(2,9) =6.1; ANOVA), contralateral dentate gyrus (P < 0.05, F(2,8) =5.54; ANOVA), ipsilateral CA1 (P < 0.01, F(2,8) =9.47; ANOVA), and ipsilateral CA3 fields (P < 0.001, F(2,8) =19.5; ANOVA). Post-hoc analyses revealed that in single mTBI mice, there was a significant increase in phosphorylated tau staining in the contralateral cortex, bilateral amygdala, ipsilateral CA1, and ipsilateral CA3 fields, compared to controls (ANOVA + Tukey) [Figure
Figure 4
Repetitive mild TBI results in a persistent increase in phosphorylated tau immunoreactivity. Representative AT8 immunostaining for phosphorylated tau in the cortex, amygdala, dentate gyrus, CA1, and CA3 fields of (a–e) age-matched uninjured control, (f–j) 6-month single mild TBI, and (k–o) 6-month repetitive mild TBI mice. (p–t) Single and repetitive mild TBI mice exhibit significant increases in phosphorylated tau staining compared to age-matched, uninjured control mice at 7 days and 1 month (Tukey). It was only in the repetitive mild TBI mice that the increased phosphorylated tau staining persisted at the 6-month time-point (Tukey) (*P < 0.05 vs. corresponding side in control mice, #P < 0.05 vs. corresponding side in single TBI mice). Values are mean ± SEM
At 1 month post-injury, the effect of injury on phospho-tau immunoreactivity was found to be significant in the cortex (ipsilateral: P <0.01, F(2,9) =12.75 and contralateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) =16.4; ANOVA), amygdala (ipsilateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) =21.6 and contralateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) = 10.15; ANOVA), dentate gyrus (ipsilateral: P <0.01, F(2,9) =8.97 and contralateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) =23.3; ANOVA), CA1 (ipsilateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) =8.9 and contralateral: P < 0.001, F(2,9) =30.1; ANOVA), and CA3 (ipsilateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) =10.5 and contralateral: P < 0.01, F(2,9) =11.2; ANOVA) regions. Post-hoc analyses revealed significantly increased phosphorylated tau staining in both the repetitive and single mTBI groups in all the regions examined, compared to age-matched controls (ANOVA + Tukey) [Figure
At the 6-month time-point [Figure
In the present study, we have developed and characterized a novel model of closed head injury to investigate the spectrum of behavioral and neuropathological sequelae following repetitive mTBI. This model is simple, practical, and has been developed with several features similar to our experience in the clinical setting, including occurring in unanesthetized animals. As we have reported in our previous companion article,[
There has been an increased interest in laboratory research focusing on repetitive mTBI.[
Persistent increased phosphorylated tau immunostaining was observed in the cortex, amygdalae, and the hippocampus of repetitive mTBI mice. We also noted that there was there was some co-localization of the phosphorylated tau staining with GFAP-positive astrocytes [
Figure 5
Co-localization of phosphorylated tau immunoreactivity with gliosis. (a–c) Shown are representative images from a repetitive mTBI mouse 6 months post-injury stained for (a) GFAP (green), (b) phosphorylated tau (red), and (c) merged GFAP/phospho-tau. In addition to neuronal tau staining, there was co-localization (yellow) of the phosphorylated tau immunostaining with GFAP-positive astrocytes (white arrows)
Figure 6
The dynamic pathophysiology of mild TBI – neuroinflammation and tauopathy in repetitive mild TBI. Single mild TBI causes an acute astrocytic reaction and increased phosphorylated tau immunoreactivity which clears/resolves by 6 months. Repetitive mild TBI results in more diffuse pathology and a more protracted course. There is increased phosphorylated tau staining early on and this does not clear by 6 months post-injury. Microglia are activated early on as well and progressively increase through 6 months. No such microglial response was observed in our single TBI mice. Also, there was an astrocytic reaction similar to that seen with a single mild TBI; however, at 6 months, the astrogliosis recurs. Whether this second wave of astrogliosis and persistent, progressive microglial activation is due to the persistent presence phosphorylated tau, or vice versa, is unknown
There was an acute increase in phosphorylated tau immunoreactivity following a single mTBI that was persistent at 1 month. This parallels the findings of hyperphosphorylated tau accumulation acutely following a single experimental rotational[
The distribution of tau abnormalities in CTE suggests distinctive core pathology within the amygdalo-hippocampal-septo-hypothalamic-mesencephalic continuum, in addition to the cortical and subcortical regions. A recent study performed positron emission tomography (PET) scans after intravenous injections of 2-(1-{6-[(2-[F-18]fluoroethyl) (methyl) amino]-2-naphthyl} ethylidene) malononitrile (FDDNP) to explore whether brain tau deposits could be detected in a small group of retired National Football League (NFL) players with cognitive and mood symptoms and compared them with a group of matched controls.[
Much of the focus in CTE has been on the accumulation of phosphorylated tau protein. While the neurotoxicity of phosphorylated tau may contribute to the CTE phenotype, in this model it does not solely account for the behavioral abnormalities observed. If that were the case, the single mTBI mice would likely have demonstrated more behavioral deficits at 1 month given the elevated phosphorylated tau. Rather, it was only the repetitive mTBI mice in which there was a persistent microglial response. Chronic neuroinflammation and immunoexcitotoxicity may be the principle factor behind the observed behavioral abnormalities and symptoms following repetitive mTBI.[
With regards to neuroinflammation, we also observed an interesting finding at 1 month with the GFAP labeling in mild TBI mice. At 1 month, we found a significant decrease in GFAP in all regions of bilateral hippocampi in repetitive TBI mice compared to age-matched control mice. GFAP is a cytoskeletal protein involved in processes related to cell movement and structure and has been proposed to play a role in cell communication such as astrocyte–neuron interactions.[
This study has several limitations that should be taken into account. The sample sizes in terms of number of mice and number of fields per mouse could have been greater in order to be fully quantitative. The study was reasonably powered, however, to allow for an analysis and the observation of the reported pathological sequelae. Also, we did not study axonal injury in the present study. Acute and delayed axonal injury as well as progressive axonal transport disruption is believed to play a role in the pathogenesis of post-traumatic neurodegeneration. It will be important for future studies to explore the role axonal injury plays in this new model of TBI. Another limitation was that we chose to explore just one tau antibody (AT8). The AT8 antibody is a sensitive marker in detecting abnormally phosphorylated tau protein without showing cross-reactivity with normal tau epitopes. Future studies should aim to study phosphorylated tau with additional antibodies also, including AT180 and PHF-1. Another area that could have been more thoroughly explored is the localization of the phospho-tau immunoreactivity, specifically relating to its location within the layers of the cortex and additionally with emphasis on the presence of any perivascular tau. The literature suggests that a portion of the pathogenesis of cytoskeletal abnormalities may involve damage to blood vessels or perivascular elements.[
We describe the pathophysiology underlying single and repetitive mild TBI in a novel mouse model of closed head injury. Single mTBI mice demonstrated an increase in tau phosphorylation acutely that lasted to 1 month; however, it cleared by 6 months post-injury. There was also a limited astroglial response. Repetitive mTBI mice exhibited an acute increase in phosphorylated tau accompanied by an astrocytic and microglial mediated neuroinflammatory response. This neuroinflammatory response progressed and persisted up to 6 months, as did the phosphorylated tau deposition. The interplay of tau pathology and neuroinflammation needs to be further elucidated and future studies investigating the effects of repetitive mTBI are required. As we learn more about the interplay between this dynamic neuroinflammatory response and post-traumatic behavior/neuropathology, new avenues for developing improved diagnostic measures as well as translational treatment approaches could open up.[
The authors are grateful for the illustrative work [Figure 6] of Mr. Brett Maurer, MVD Grp., Massive Vehicle Design. They are also thankful to Ken Kellerson with Millennium Machinery for his assistance in developing the helmet and modified rubber impactor. This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health grants NIH-R25-NS-065748 (to Anthony L. Petraglia) and NIH-R01-NS-067435 (to Jason H. Huang), as well as a University of Rochester institutional grant (to Jason H. Huang). Also, the project described in this publication was supported by the University of Rochester CTSA award number UL1 TR000042 from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health (to Anthony L. Petraglia). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
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