Reply to “Bone morphogenetic protein's contribution to pulmonary artery hypertension”

Tyler King, Mark de Caestecker, Jonathan W. Lowery

Date of publication: 19-Oct-2016

Key perspectives on the learning curve of pedicle screw placement, stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases, growth of incidentally found meningiomas, and the Barrow Ruptured Aneurysm Trial

Angela Bohnen, Jonathan H. Sherman, Panayiotis Pelargos, Isaac Yang, Visish M. Srinivasan, Edward A. M. Duckworth, Winward Choy, Zachary A. Smith

Date of publication: 07-Oct-2016

Exploring the Virchow–Robin spaces function: A unified theory of brain diseases

Iype Cherian, Margarita Beltran, Ekkehard M. Kasper, Binod Bhattarai, Sunil Munokami, Giovanni Grasso

Date of publication: 07-Oct-2016

Background:Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) transport across the central nervous system (CNS) is no longer believed to be on the conventional lines. The Virchow–Robin space (VRS) that facilitates CSF transport from the basal cisterns into the brain interstitial fluid (ISF) has gained interest in a whole new array of studies. Moreover, new line of evidence suggests that VRS may be involved in different pathological mechanisms of brain diseases.

Co-existing spinal intradural ependymal cyst and sacral Tarlov cyst in adult-onset tethered cord syndrome with syringomyelia: Case report and literature review

Hamid H. Rai, Muhammad F. Khan, Syed Ather Enam, Imtiaz Hashmi

Date of publication: 22-Sep-2016

Background:Synchronous spinal intradural ependymal cysts and sacral Tarlov cysts in adult onset tethered cord syndrome are extremely rare.

Diagnostic potential of the diffusion tensor tractography with fractional anisotropy in the diagnosis and treatment of cervical spondylotic and posttraumatic myelopathy

Alessandro Landi, Gualtiero Innocenzi, Giovanni Grasso, Alessandro Meschini, Francesco Fabbiano, Paola Castri, Roberto Delfini

Date of publication: 22-Sep-2016

Background:Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based methodology widely used for the evaluation of microstructural integrity of the central nervous system (CNS), particularly of brain white matter fibers and bundles.

Transition of a herniated lumbar disc to lumbar discal cyst: A case report

Rohit Bansil, Yoshitaka Hirano, Hideo Sakuma, Kazuo Watanabe

Date of publication: 22-Sep-2016

Background:Another rare cause of lower back pain with radiculopathy is the discal cyst. It is believed to arise from degeneration of a herniated disc, although many other theories of its origin have been proposed. Here, we report a patient with lower back pain/radiculopathy attributed originally to a herniated lumbar disc, which transformed within 6 months into a discal cyst.