Category Archives: Unique Case Observations

Spontaneous Meckel’s cave hematoma: A rare cause of trigeminal neuralgia

  •  Concetta Alafaci, Giovanni Grasso, Francesca Granata, Daniele Marino, Francesco M. Salpietro, Francesco Tomasello 

October 9, 2015, 18:37


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

Recurrent subdural hematoma secondary to headbanging: A case report

  •  Naoki Nitta, Junya Jito, Kazuhiko Nozaki 

October 9, 2015, 18:36


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

Papillary tumor of the pineal region with extended clinical and radiologic follow-up

  •  Hakeem J. Shakir, Jingxin Qiu, Dheerendra Prasad, Laszlo L. Mechtler, Robert A. Fenstermaker 

October 9, 2015, 18:36


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

Co-presentation of a subdural empyema and an infected ventriculoperitoneal shunt in an adult patient: A rare complication with review of literature

  •  Ha Son Nguyen, Ninh Doan, Saman Shabani, Michael Gelsomino, Wade Mueller 

October 9, 2015, 18:34


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

Granulomatous amebic encephalitis following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

  •  Ninh Doan, Gregory Rozansky, Ha Son Nguyen, Michael Gelsomino, Saman Shabani, Wade Mueller, Vijay Johnson 

October 9, 2015, 18:34


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

Cavernous hemangioma of the dura mater mimicking meningioma

  •  Hambra Di Vitantonio, Danilo De Paulis, Alessandro Ricci, Sara Marzi, Soheila Raysi Dehcordi, Renato Juan Galzio 

September 3, 2015, 16:09


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

Treatment of giant congenital cysts of the midline in adults: Report of two cases and review of the literature

  •  Liverana Lauretti, Pier Paolo Mattogno, Federico Bianchi, Roberto Pallini, Eduardo Fernandez, Francesco Doglietto 

September 3, 2015, 16:08


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

A case of intravascular lymphoma presenting as myelopathy diagnosed with a skin biopsy

  •  Masatoshi Yunoki, Kenta Suzuki, Atsuhito Uneda, Kimihiro Yoshino 

September 3, 2015, 16:07


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

Cerebral aneurysms associated with segmental dilative arteriopathy of the circle of Willis

  •  Yoshifumi Horita, Takeshi Mikami, Kiyohiro Houkin, Nobuhiro Mikuni 

July 14, 2015, 18:19


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report

Arteriovenous malformation within an isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 mutated anaplastic oligodendroglioma

  •  Grace Lai, Karra A. Muller, Bob S. Carter, Clark C. Chen 

July 14, 2015, 18:17


  • Unique Case Observations

Article Type:

  • Case Report