Circumferential intradural meningioma of the thoracic spine: Case report and literature review

Sneha Bisht, Raphael Laurente, K Joshi George

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Meningiomas are common intradural extramedullary spinal tumors with a predilection for the thoracic spine. They are mostly benign (90%), with only a few showing malignant potential. However, circumferential intradural meningiomas surrounding the spinal cord are exceptionally rare. Here, we present a 40-year-old patient with a T6-T7 circumferential lesion who underwent surgery. In addition, we reviewed three similar cases previously reported in the literature.

Hydrocephalus in Mexican children with Coccidioidal Meningitis: Clinical, serological, and neuroimaging findings

María F. De la Cerda-Vargas, B. A. Sandoval-Bonilla, James M. McCarty, Fernando Chico-Ponce De León, José A. Candelas-Rangel, Jorge D. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Pedro Navarro-Domínguez, Melisa A. Muñoz- Hernández, Elizabeth Meza-Mata, Elena M. Fernández-González, Mariana G. Sámano-Aviña

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Coccidioidal meningitis (CM) is a fungal infectious disease that rarely affects children. Even in endemic areas, coccidiomycosis rarely affects the pediatric population. However, 40% of affected children develop hydrocephalus. Here, we describe the clinical, serological, and neuroimaging findings in a series of Mexican children admitted to our neurosurgical service with hydrocephalus and subsequently diagnosed with CM.

Adverse impact of smoking on the spine and spinal surgery

Vini G. Khurana

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Tobacco smokers and companies are well aware that smoking increases the risks for cancers, vascular morbidity, and early mortality. This is a review of the plethora of adverse effects chronic smoking has on spinal tissues and spinal surgery.

Predictors of stimulation-induced seizures during perirolandic glioma resection using intraoperative mapping techniques

Ahmed A. Morsy, Ayman M. Ismail, Yasser M. Nasr, Salwa H. Waly, Esam A. Abdelhameed

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Intraoperative mapping techniques maximize safety and efficacy during perirolandic glioma resection but may induce seizures and limit the procedure. We aim to report the incidence and predictors of stimulation-induced seizures during mapping either patient is awake or under general anesthesia (GA).

Brain ischemia due to direct vascular compression associate with rapid enlargement of unruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysm: A case report

Hiroshi Miyachi, Kohei Suzuki, Shohei Nagasaka, Takehiro Kitagawa, Junkoh Yamamoto

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Acute cerebral infarction is a rare complication resulting from an unruptured cerebral aneurysm (UCA). There is presently no consensus on the optimal strategy for the management of UCAs with cerebral infarctions.

Spinal cord compression from hypertrophic nerve roots in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy – A case report

Md Tanvir Hasan, Subodh Patil, Vanisha Chauhan, David Gosal, John Ealing, Daniel Du Plessis, Calvin Soh, K. Joshi George

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Spinal cord compression secondary to nerve root hypertrophy is often attributed to hereditary neuropathies. However, to avoid misdiagnosis, rare immune-mediated neuropathy such as chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) should not be overlooked. This report presents a case of multilevel nerve root hypertrophy leading to significant cord compression from CIDP.

Two cases of retained medullary cord running parallel to a terminal lipoma

Ai Kurogi, Nobuya Murakami, Takato Morioka, Nobutaka Mukae, Takafumi Shimogawa, Kyoko Kudo, Satoshi O. Suzuki, Masahiro Mizoguchi

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Retained medullary cord (RMC) is a newly defined entity believed to originate from the late arrest of secondary neurulation. Some RMCs contain varying amounts of lipomatous tissues, which need to be differentiated from spinal lipomas, such as filar and caudal lipomas (terminal lipomas).

A case of multiple synchronously diagnosed brain metastases from alveolar soft part sarcoma without concurrent lung involvement

Mark A. Damante, Kristin M. Huntoon, Joshua D. Palmer, David A. Liebner, James Bradley Elder

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) is a rare soft-tissue sarcoma with a propensity for early hematogenous dissemination to the lungs and frequent brain metastasis. The development of lung metastasis almost invariably precedes intracranial involvement. There are no previously reported cases in which a patient was synchronously diagnosed with ASPS and multiple brain metastasis without lung involvement.

Decompressive hemicraniectomy for acute ischemic stroke associated with coronavirus disease 2019 infection: Case report and systematic review

Kevin Ivan Peñaverde Chan, Alaric Emmanuel Mendoza Salonga, Kathleen Joy Ong Khu

Date of publication: 24-Mar-2021

Background: Decompressive hemicraniectomy (DH) has been performed for some cases of acute ischemic stroke in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection, but there is little information about the clinical course and outcomes of these patients.